Small LOTRO Adventures: Hunting Slugs.

Dear Folks,



A flu in the Buggins hobbit hole caused a change in our plans for this weeks SLA.
Here is Lizzy playing her Spider, by the end of this segment she almost got the hang of the controls… Now all she needs is her own gaming laptop… but I want mine first!






We’ll be back with some Hobbits next week!


  1. Andang /

    Another great episode!

  2. The Nimrodelian Tale-Spinner /

    Hope the Buggin’s get better soon so we can continue with the hobbit adventures πŸ™‚

  3. Tromblon /

    Charming! I love these small adventures

  4. Lilikate Buggins. /

    Thank you everyone, Lizzy wants to tell Tromblon that she is glad he likes her Small Adventures.

  5. AnUnexpectedVidcast /

    Fantastic! Love these, always cute and funny in equal measure πŸ™‚

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