common elements:
Celon ~ river
Duin ~ (long and large) river
Nen ~ water
Anduin, Lothlórien:
And meaning long and duin meaning river. Known as the Great River.
Bruinen, Trollshaws:
Brui meaning loud, noisy and nen meaning water. Also known as the Loud-Water.
Celebrant, Lothlórien:
Celeb meaning silver (particularly of silver deposits) and rant meaning course or riverbed. Known as the Silver-lode.
Mitheithel, Ettenmoors:
Mith meaning grey and eithel meaning spring or well. Otherwise known as the Hoarwell.
(Translations are from the Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin, The Silmarillion, J.R. R. Tolkien and Hiswelókë’s Sindarin Dictionary. I am not an expert at all – if you see any mistakes please let me know!)
I am really enjoying this series… I hope there will be many more
Nice work!
very nice series!
thanks for the encouraging comments
still a bit worried it’s a bit dry… but can’t currently think of anything else to do… 
I don’t think you need to worry about water being dry!
Nice info, sometimes I’m always looking for this kind stuff if I decide to go all fancy with names for me legendary items.
lol yes water… dry…
should have thought that one through 
I love this awesome series! You should keep this up as it is awesome!
I have to agree with Andang on this series being awesome!
Many places in Middle-earth were inspired by real places in our world. Rivendell, and the River Bruinen, were inspired by Lauterbrunnen (which may mean Loudwater), in Switzerland. A real live Rivendell.
thanks again for the comments – I will keep them coming!
@leofan thanks for the info, really interesting