Store Sales 23rd-29th August 2013

Store Sales 23rd-29th August 2013 post thumbnail image



Free Sample of the Week


+100% Crafting XP x1

Use Coupon Code CRFT1 1/Account


Lilikate Says:

Thumbs up from me… I am levelling my Wood-Crafting skill and this will make it a little swifter to do so.



Store Sales


Clothing, Cloaks & Accessories  25% Off

195-1200 146-900


Choose a fresh look from the huge selection of LOTRO Store Clothing, Cloaks & Accessories! Cosmetic Bundles not included in sale.


Store Location: Cosmetics → Clothing; Cloaks; Accessories

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: All price reductions on cosmetics are nice! You can never have enough accessories!




Shared Wardrobe 25% Off

595 446


Hoard away, share, and stay organized! Get up to 120 additional slots of storage for cosmetic items within the wardrobe and share amongst characters on your account! Fill your wardrobe with a plethora of cosmetic clothing and accessories available in the LOTRO Store!

Store Location: Account → Account Storage → Shared Wardrobe Space

Levels: All

Lilikate: Does a little dance then hurries off to the store to grab some more wardrobe space.. Yippie!

(Thanks Store Sales Fairy too!)




Cosmetic Outfit Slots 25% Off

495 371


Slot your character’s new cosmetics without having to store them in your individual inventory bags. Save additional cosmetic-ensembles and quickly change outfits on the fly! Unlock up to seven total cosmetic outfit slots for all characters on your account!

Store Location: Account → Cosmetic Outfit Slots

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: If I had the funds I would be buying the last slot I have left available. Great Sales this week!





Mounted Combat Trait Specs 25%  Off

595-695 446-521


Save new load-outs you’re your various War-steed needs! Unlock an additional mounted combat trait spec for all characters on your account.


Store Location: War-steeds → Upgrades →Trait Specs

Levels: 75+

Lilikate Says: This looks good, but can someone who understands better than I explain what this is… I am confused between the Heavy/Med/Light options or is it just an option to save a build make up? I think it’s more likely to be another option to save the particular traits specs chosen.




War-steed Cosmetic Slots 25% Off

695 521


Slot your War-steed’s new cosmetics without having to save over your current look. Customize and save additional cosmetic-ensembles and quickly change War-steed outfits on the fly!

Store Location: War-steeds → Upgrades →Cosmetic Outfit Slots

Levels: 75+

Lilikate Says:  More cosmetic horse outfits to match character cosmetic outfits….Hours of fun 🙂







Also: Steed of the Hunter, Steed of the Nightwood, and Heavy Set of the Entwash.


All Class Mounts are back in the store.




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5 thoughts on “Store Sales 23rd-29th August 2013”

  1. Great job Lilikate! I have to say though, I thought for sure that there would be pre-order info after the sales last week.

    1. The Store stars are shining bright over Lilikate tonight…
      Maybe that information will be released soon.

  2. Starting up an RP character and really NEED to get shared wardrobe…so was real happy to see it here in the sales!

    280 TP to go…oh grinding time…

  3. I’ve totally maxed my wardrobe, and still have a character holding a bank full of items to get in there.

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