Contrary too many I tend to do things quite the opposite. Instead of transcribing my Audioversions to ABC songs. I do the other way around. All my song has been written to Achazia and “The Shades”, as the game have brought back my joy to write music. So the songs have been written to suit the ABC system.
Meadow Breeze was written for both “the Shades” but also a dedication to my elf Amorith and her eternal love to Earinlin, which is her bethrotal. So when you hear the song you can hear the message of love during the whole song and her longing when he is not around being kept away from her, it belongs to the story that he literary were kept away from her because of the duties he had in Vanimar (this is some years ago though in a lovely kinship we were a part of) We had an awesome storyline Roleplay-wise which trigged and inspired me to write this song.
In this video you can hear the song in ABC, and Amorith wandering around thinking:
A year after I thought I should try to do my first attempt on an audio-version where I was singing for the first time:
(I hope you can hear the similarity)
I will post the ABC code as well if you like the song, Atleast is quite unique as it does not belong to knowned artists, which can be good in a Roleplay setting.
(is both mulitpart song and soloversion in the same file. nr. 100 is the soloversion)
Awesome! Great job Achazia
Nice work – this was always one of my favorite songs of yours!
This is truly impressive! The song is great and I must add that your voice is charming.
@Andang Thank you so much
@Zyngor I am glad you like the song. Is still one of my favorites too, evenif is a old good one
@Tromblon Thank you! Glad you like it! I remember it was my first song I tried to sing on, so I was very nervous the first time I should show it to others )
You write the most beautiful music, Achazia
Thank you so much Kaleigh! <3
Oh Wow, Thats an honor Lilikate
Glad you liked it!! 
My post Achy seems to be missing so I will say again: I had the honor to play Meadow Breeze with Andune on sunday, such a beautiful piece of music. Thanks for letting others share your work too.