A Party Concerning Hobbits

There is nothing like a party put on by such a grand group of Hobbits! With lemony pies wafting through the air tantalizing nose hairs, and a summer brew bumbling behind the counter, “Concerning Hobbits” put on an entertainingly filled evening with a party at the Baby and Bird Inn in Michel Delving on June 20th in the realm of Landroval.

Party like a Hobbit

Clovern strums a tune as as dancing fills the room

As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, and music calling, everyone gathered inside to begin a bit of jolly dancing to the tunes of Rozalinde Fairholm (Concerning Hobbits), Odobacar Lowbanks (Concerning Hobbits), Tourmelian Bracegiirdle (Concerning Hobbits), Lycaste Sneakyfeet (Concerning Hobbits), and Clovern.

As the sing and dance ended with an over joyed swigging of tankards with a tune of “Health to the Company” by yours truly, the theme of the party shifted to a jovial game of “Riddle me This!” The two hosts, Odobacar and Rozalinde asked the crowd riddles, and they were to guess the answer. In the end, the quite bewilderingly riddle cracking Lycaste took home a Singed Cloak for out thinking everyone! To turn the tables, riddlecasting was asked by members of the crowds to try to outwit both the hosts and audience itself.

With ale swelling the funny bones of everyone in attendance, the fun was moved outside for a side splitting backwards drunken race. With a humorous bit of apparently some crafty Dwarf gave a bit of concentrated honey mead to the racers. With only one lap backwards around the Michel Delving race track, racers either fell into the water at the plank jump, tripped on ther faces trying to jump over the walls, or simply passed out at the starting line.

In the end, it was the steel stomach of  Brulac who won first place and Shirish winning second place. Prizes were a Lootbox and 5 pints of Bullroarer’s Brew, respectively.

The Concerning Hobbits kinship hosts weekly events for all to enjoy!


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