An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode Two

An Unexpected Vidcast

An Unexpected Vidcast

Pashbo Proudfeet and his daughter Rubyrae present their second episode, featuring more stories, poems, fun and news.  An offering for the roleplayers amongst you, as well as those that prefer their news communicated by Hobbits!

In this edition, the poet Pashrandir recites his latest offering “Being Followed by Bert”, which is dedicated to all captains.  Drunken dwarves Pashili Copperbeard and Korili explore Thorins Hall Inn for their “Come Drink With Me” slot.  We catch up with Willmatt and Chanile as they attempt to reach level 85 before the release of Helms Deep, and young hobbit Pashcombe provides a musical offering during “Later at the Ivy Bush”.

And for those of you that missed out on Episode One…..

We would love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, or want to just send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, email us at

Check out for more videos




6 thoughts on “An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode Two”

    1. Thanks Andang. Its a 2 man (well one man and one woman) team. No, make that a 2 hobbit team! We are very glad to be here.

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