Don’t Focus on Fury

I’ve said it a few times: more frequent smaller hits on target net more DPS over time than full fury hits over the same amount of time. This is due to the fact that building fury takes away from time you could be attacking.

Then I see something like this and it makes me question the fury mechanic even further:

Sigrum scored a devastating hit with Seeking Arrow on the Bugud for 8,822 (1,592 from 250 Fury) Beleriand Damage to Morale.

That is my hardest hit to date, that I’ve noticed. It is on 1/4 Fury. I guess the proof is in the pudding. Spend your time attacking rather than building fury and your targets will drop faster!

7 thoughts on “Don’t Focus on Fury”

  1. So true! I’ve often wondered why dps that is lost due to waiting for fury build-up is not compensated by huge crits and hits. Even with my fully levelled bridle, the “fury contribution” is so minor, it’s completely ignorable. I don’t even look at that red slider anymore.

    1. I can’t say I’ve noticed much difference in fury generation from the bridle either. Maybe a bit faster: need a stopwatch to find out. lol

      I don’t really pay much attention to the fury slider either. If my steed icon is on fire I know full Fury and OK to make the opening hit. Outside of that, I just focus on keeping the target within my arc of fire and attack as soon as possible.

  2. I usually stay at either a trot or canter and do fine soloing most warbands and regular mobs drop easily for Minstrel, Hunter, burg and RK.

    1. Playing the ranged classes you might be able to open that up to a full gallop if you get your turning rate tight enough. It’s actually how I play my hunter, he is full speed but the horse turns tight enough to keep the target in the arc of fire and I don’t have to worry too much about not being able to fire a shot. The only time I slow down with him is against a mounted mob whose trying to outflank me and I can’t get a shot.

      On my guardian I usually go full fury charge in and then immediately slow down and wheel at about 6mps.

  3. Last night I did about 14k damage (14,5k more likely) 10k of which were from full Fury. In light of the articles and the comments, I believe it might be the case that Fury needs some tending by the devs, since the algorithm might give wrong output in certain conditions.

    1. I agree, something seems wrong with fury. I’ve noticed crits in the 3500 to 4500 range that were 3000 damage from 1000 fury. I’ve never been one to watch or log the combat log, but I started a couple weeks ago when I noticed a 5000-some crit and happened to glance at the combat log to see just how fury affected it. So far what I’ve been seeing is that full fury can net you little to no significant increase in damage, or up to being 80%+ of the total damage in a single hit. Something seems screwed up.

      I still think that killing a target with 3 or 4 hits inside the foot-combat melee range while mounted is still going to be faster than the long jousts required to build full fury for a second hit, if you don’t one shot it the first time.

      I always try to open with a full fury shot from behind the target when possible, so the high fury crits an positional damage (if there is such a thing) have allowed for multiple one-shot kills. But if I don’t get the one-shot, slow down if needed, wheel around and stay engaged. It’s faster than making another trench run!

  4. As I play my guardian I scout what target to fight, i build up fury and then charge in and hope for a first big crit with loads of fury. After that first hit I usually ‘dogfight’ and attach with what fury I have. I have had initial hits of about 8800 with Rohan’s Edge (or whatever the hardhitting skill is called). If i don’t crit that first hit, then I don’t really care much about building up full fury again, since it is quite slow on a heavy war-steed.

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