Erebrandir’s Horseshoe – A Hint

If you were unaware, the good folks over at Turbine are participating in a charity drive to raise money for the Extra Life foundation, including LotRO’s very own Rick Heaton (a.k.a. Sapience).

As an incentive to help motivate donations, he has set various goals in place with rewards tied to them, such as exclusive titles in-game and for the forums, and opportunities to win Turbine Points or the new Riders of Rohan Soundtrack. One of the more enticing levels for me was at the $6,000 mark: Sapience would be allowed to post some information about Erebrandir’s Horseshoe, a mysterious reward available from the epic quest line in Enedwaith. Many folks have tried to figure out what it does, and a large number of people firmly believe it doesn’t do anything, and is part of an elaborate joke within Turbine.

Well, I’m happy to report that the goal was reached, and as promised Sapience delivered a clue to what it does:

It’s time to pull the veil back just a bit on the mysterious Erebrandir’s horseshoe and what it does.

For starters, it does do something. Some may think it doesn’t, but it does! In fact, it does more now than when it was first introduced. This is why we’ve kept its effects a closely guarded secret. As time goes on, it grows more powerful! So when should you be using it? Some portions of the Epic story and certain festival events benefit from having this lucky horseshoe. In fact, the winter festival would be a good time to dust it off!

This message was written by Sapience, but approved by the developer responsible for the creation of the horseshoe. What boggles me most (and why I wanted to post about it here) was the mention of the epic quest line. I can’t fathom how it could effect the actual quest, but if they say it does it must be true in some capacity. I speculate that this could have an interesting effect when it comes to the upcoming Riders of Rohan, especially when defeating a warband. If you recall, upon defeating a warband you’ll be given a lootbox that will contain items for you or your warsteed, so it could be quite possible that having it equipped will make the more rare items appear for you.

I guess we’ll have to find out!

Some people believe that horseshoes bring good fortune.


2 thoughts on “Erebrandir’s Horseshoe – A Hint”

  1. I’m curious what happens for those of us who vendored the horseshoe in disgust ages ago. Will there be some way to get it back? Re-earn it? When hints first started coming out that it would have a use, I started keeping it on my alts, but my two mains no longer have it.

  2. It’s hard to say. I would imagine if anything it’d be available in the store or from a skirmish vendor or something, if they ever do give the ability to pick it up again.

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