Speculation: Festival Horse Appearances

I’ve picked up both the Harvest Brew Goat and Harvest Brew Steed recently from the recent in-game events. After having a close look at the steed, it appears all the bits of his barding might have been designed in such a way that it can translate over to the warsteed cosmetics system.

The caparison, halter and leg pieces look like they can all be taken right off the festival mount, and put on a warsteed in the future. This gives me a little hope as one of the things I really would like to see in the future after the release of RoR is the ability to get Festival gear for my warsteed, rather than a festival mount, or at least the ability to use Snout’s clothes on my warsteed if I so choose.

1 thought on “Speculation: Festival Horse Appearances”

  1. Agreed. I collect all the festival horses, but rarely use them, because of their slower speed. It’s such a pity, and I would enjoy this element of the game more if they added warsteed cosmetics. They could add them at a more expensive price, separate to the normal horse (for lower level chars).

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