LOTRO Academy: 38 – 2011 Finale

LOTRO Academy
It’s the last show of the year! Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain enjoy plenty of LOTRO discussion in this topicless pre-holiday episode. Thanks for listening.

6 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 38 – 2011 Finale”

  1. Regarding the grind/optional content discussion during the Update 5 Changes segment of the show, IMO the frustration is more for veteran LOTRO/MMO players especially regarding their alts.

    It seems the focus of your show is more around new players so I just want to point out, if you find a slayer deed that you aren’t excited about… you can purchase +1 to any Virtue for 295TP. In comparison, the 5x Accelerator is 325TP. I remember “just having” to use up a few accelerators when I farmed up worms in Forochel, but I always keep a lookout for the LOTRO Store discount special on Virtues. I have actually planned deeds for a character and decided I wanted to purchase up to 3 of the same virtue because those deeds were too painful the first time around.

    Some mobs don’t lend themselves to accelerator usage, so I agree with your VIP incentive permanent accelerator to start. Additionally, after your 4th time through Moria, maybe you don’t want to get the quest deeds either.

    Bottom line, it sounds like you guys are enjoying the game, just remember those of us that get hung up on the “optimal” way to level an alt get frustrated with the grind.

  2. This was a great episode. Thank you for nice words regarding the concert. Glad you liked it. Is also nice to listening to all the stuff you have done. Didn’t know about the housing furnitures the guards. Now I have some guards watching the Kinhouses 😀

  3. Regarding the rep changes, which I love, love, love.

    I haven’t gotten to Moria yet, so I might not understand how the rep did work. It sounds like the same items would build rep for either faction.

    I think that wouldn’t work with the transition to click turnins-because you have to just put it in one bucket or the other. Thus, the creation of a new set of rep items for one faction, or the other.

    I can understand the frustration if you happen to be holding rep items for the faction you didn’t want to build, and now have to farm a whole new set of items, but I don’t think it’s an unreasonable thing to do.

    Hopefully, after a few bumps in the transition, it will all smooth out, faction wise.

  4. That is my suspicion as well: it’s a coding thing. Putting in an intermediary step of selecting which faction goes against the idea of click-to-rep and was probably more effort than to just create new items.

    My RK has gone through 3 questing hubs thus far and it seems that both faction drops occur relatively equally. I was not counting of course. Something else to consider is that most quests give rep for the guards and a smaller percentage for miners. According to the wiki it’s about 2/3 guards and 1/3 miners. So if you quest through Moria, you’ll end up ahead with the guards anyway.

    And I must echo Chuck’s statement about alts. I love playing a new character, new class, and figuring it all out. But then I remember grinding reputation, grinding virtues, grinding (now) medallions for gear and so on and get rather put off the idea of leveling an alt for a bit.

  5. A Turbine rep has stated that, for Update 6, there will be a barter table to allow you to trade the Miner rep for Guard rep, and vice versa (Source: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?435432-Where-did-the-Reputation-Barter-Dwarves-go-in-21st-hall-and-Dolven-View&p=5877821#post5877821 ). Personally, it doesn’t bother me too much, since you still get a nice chunk of both reputations via questing in this huge zone, like Tapkoh said, and over the course you’ll get plenty ‘o both faction’s droppable rep.

    As per your brief discussion on finding second age stuff, it is a rare occurrence, and it should be known that I believe the highest you’ll find is up to level 60 stuff dropping. After that, for Second Age stuff, you’ll need the respective crafters to make the stuff (though one Epic quest in Book 3 does reward you with a level 65 second age LI!). Even if you can’t, with the increased level cap, you are probably more likely to find someone who has a cooldown for a level 60/65 second age [insert item here]. As long as you can supply them with the materials (and perhaps a small tip for using a cooldown), I’m sure it’s not too taxing for the crafter.

    I just recently received the Rise of Isengard expansion as a holiday gift, and am so far enjoying questing in Dunland on one of my alts. Anywho, I hope you guys have (or had, rather) a great holiday/New Year/Festivus, and I’ll see you in the big 1-2!

  6. Loved this episode, a very nice ending to a year of very helpful and informative podcasts. Just wanted to add my 2 cents in – I LOVE the idea of picnic baskets, and I really hope Turbine takes it to heart! I’m not much for fishing, even in real life – but picnics are the best. I can’t imagine it not being lore appropriate for elves, men, and especially hobbits. Sure they might like to fish, but that’s most likely so they’ll have a meal handy for the family picnic 🙂

    And I for one am coming at this from the point of view of a LOTRO elven high born dignitary gone bad. If I were any good at rp’ing my character Synniseth, I’d definitely come down on the side of Sauron the Magnificent. Perhaps killing tens of thousands of orcsies for the future King of Gondor, but only for appearances. Synn fancies herself the long forgotten Princess of Dol Guldur, roaming the halls of the great dungeons with her despairing servants in tow. But even without all the bright sunny days of a place like the Shire, I’m sure she would enjoy the occasional picnic luncheon on the grounds around the Mirkwood, spending quality time with her adoring orc/goblin/warg servants. Even the shades while they may not share the same taste in bbq man flesh, they would most certainly add a certain je ne sais quoi to the whole picnic-ey atmosphere.

    But, I digress 😉


    Ps. To Branick and his coffee issue, I’d have to add that it does seem strange that at pretty much any level we are free to imbibe to our hearts content a variety of beers and wines to the point of waking up in all sorts of unforeseen places, and without even an age restriction, much less a level restriction. Yet.. we have to be a high level for a little cup of poorly made coffee? Silliness…

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