A Note About Donations



Hullo Everybody!


To all those who have donated to our cause, thank you very much.

I just wanted to write a note to you all, with a small request.  If you could leave a short comment when donating to Child’s Play it would help us immensely. If you would like a title: An Unexpected Traveller,  leave your characters name and server and I will send a code to you through the in-game mail service.

If you have any questions about how to do this please leave a comment and we will be happy to help you.


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  1. Grace /

    I’m not able to donate, but if you’d like to raise awareness on the Firefoot server, my characters there are Filigard, Calarel, and Aeshla. Thank you for organising such a meaningful event!

  2. David /

    All done! I’m glad there is a cool way to donate to improve the lives of children around the world through the portal of video games!

    I am on the Elendilmir server and my character name is “Gladmir”.

    Thank you


  1. Fellowship Walk for Child’s Play–Donate Today! | Casually Strolling Through MMOs - […] on the floor of your car. Whatever you can find give to the fundraiser and pitch in. They even…

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