Turbine passed on along word on the forums of some upcoming downtime via the forums
The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, December 16th from 6:00 – 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) for an update to the game. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon! Patch notes will be available during the downtime.
This of course is for Update 12.1 and Yule Festival.
Patch notes will be made available during the downtime.
What are you going to do during the downtime? Here are some suggestions…
Watch the LEGO Lord Of The Rings Cutscenes
Get caught up on the LOTRO player news podcast! http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/category/podcasts/lotro-players-news/
If you have never listend to LOTRO Academy now is the a great time to enjoy this wonderful Podcast http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/category/podcasts/lotro-academy/
How are you going to spend your downtime? Comment below