U29 Wildwood quest guide V0,5

The main area contains mobs around level 45. With the questpack come two instances that range from level 20-130 (woe of the willow) and 45-130 (agoroth). These have a little quest chain to them.

Starting Wildwood

There are two quest hubs in this area designated by the green areas. The questlines themself flow pretty well and you will find yourselves not going too much back and forth. You will first venture into the red areas and then slowly move towards the centre and yellow “strongholds”. 

Repeatable quests

Once you’ve done the main quest area you’ll get 2 types of repeatable quests. One set of 4 in each camp that centre around those hubs and award you with reputation and currency for those camps. You will also be able to pick up more generic wildwood kill, fetch quests that are available on both sides for the blue area.

Landscape strongholds

These quests will auto-bestow once you get into the yellow areas such as towns, camps or digsites. These will be kill x and build x baricades. These areas can change mob types if you kill all mobs there.

Reputation unlock and story quests

Just like the mission quests in Elderslade at each reputation tier you’ll get an extra storyline quest for the factions in Wildwood. Once you’ve reached the highest tier you’ll also get 4 additional bounty quests that will take you to a stronghold and summon a boss.

The storylines will lead into a small epilogue quest with a rather ugly cloak ;).


In Trestlebridge you have 10 missions available from the start (no rotation). These all take place inside Wildwood and award you Bree-land woodmarks that you can exchange for a teal earring at every X0 level.

In this update the mission rewards themself have been updated with extra rewards for finishing 15 or 45 total missions per week. These rewards are crafting (ithil shard), legendary item (scroll/crystal) and character (xp boost, virtue xp etc).


The generic quest tokens can be exchanged for the standard variety of travel skills, music, housing, cosmetics, trinkets and some crafting materials. The reputation items can be used for that, pets, some level 45 gear or exchanged for generic quest tokens.

Instances – Woe of the willow

Woe of the willow takes place in the Old Forest where the Witch king left behind a Morgul blade that awakened the spirits and Wood trolls. You’ll mostly fight woodtrolls, roots and a few spirits. 


Talk to the hobbit at the gate into Buckland. This will start a level 20 questchain back and forth into the Old forest with some story instances. Followed by any level/size of the normal instance

Short tactic

Stick to the main path. Sidepaths have mobs, but so far that hasn’t revealed any benefit to kill those. Boss 1 will do 2 big frontal knockbacks. Evade or take those without getting into the circle of puddles around the arena. People will also drop puddles on higher tiers. Bunch up or spread them about (depends on you and tier).

Go left from Boss 1 and head up the ramp to boss 2. Boss 2 is a sword that summons a large number of spirits that boost each other if within melee range of each other.


Common loot seems to be mostly crafting material boxes. With Purple loot being able to be ashed for the same mats with a change for a rare box with an ithil shard. Teal loot is available, but currently cant be ashed. On higher tiers you also earn you get Tokens of resolution that you use to upgrade Remorchant set gear (by 50 tokens each). 

Instances – Agoroth, The Narrowdelve

Agoroth takes place in the Forochel as part of flashback to some Volume 1 Book 13 quests. You’ll mostly fight garadan,Angmarim and a witch king visage. 


Talk to the Lothrandir at the gate into Forochel. This will start a level 45 questchain back and forth in Suri-kala with some story instances. Followed by any level/size of the normal instance

Short tactic

Stick to the main path. Side Paths have mobs, but so far that hasn’t revealed any benefit to kill those. At the end start the story moment and kill the mobs here. 

Boss 1 on the left will summon 2 adds. Mostly tank and spank. Place his javelin attack/puddle out of the way.

Boss 2 on the right has a corruption that if not removed reflects 50% damage. So be careful with dots and big attacks at that time.

Get back to the centre. Start the chatter and run up to the large pearl at the top of the stairs. Stand in the circle to skip chatter. There stand on near the mast to start boss 3. Kill it and wait for the chatter to finish for the loot.


Common loot seems to be mostly crafting material boxes. With Purple loot being able to be ashed for the same mats with a change for a rare box with an ithil shard. Teal loot is available, but currently can’t be ashed. On higher tiers you also earn you get Tokens of resolution that you use to upgrade Remorchant set gear (by 50 tokens each).