Nobody Tosses a Dwarf who’s in our Band! Join us!

Could this be you?
Could this be you?

“We don’t eat Elvish lembas in the mountains
We don’t drink miruvor, and never tea
We don’t live on mushrooms like those hobbits
We like livin’ right, and bein’ free.”

Yes, that’s us – THE ROLLING KEGS, Laurelin’s all-singing, all-dancing, all-Dwarven band, full of ale and ready to roll. Double runner-up winners at last year’s Weatherstock, and entered again for this year, The Kegs have a long history of musical experience to draw on: our band leader, Kandral Strongbeard, was one of the founding members way back in 2011.

Rehearsals are democratic – no one Dwarf dictates what we will perform, or how it will be arranged. We make songs of all kinds, from lore-faithful Dwarven anthems and battle songs, through events that deal with all the races of Middle Earth, to the frivolous and even ridiculous. A troll who loved ballet? We’ve got it. Haradrim turned into cottage cheese? No problem. Our band is forged in the fires of friendship and humour, always.

And now for the exciting part! This band, renowned for the quality of its music and original lyrics, is recruiting. If you’re a Dwarf who loves making music, and perhaps even has songs and lyrics of your own that you’d like the world to enjoy, we’d love to hear from you. Be one of The Rolling Kegs!

~From every hall we came and flocked to you~
~You say: a willing heart is all I ask of you~
~Dwarves like us don’t need to make a fuss~
~Just give them a chance, for they are one of us~

Please contact us at

An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 35

Pashbo Proudfeet receives some very grave news, and has a very important decision to make.  The mood is lightened somewhat by a jolly tune by those fantastic Songburrow Strollers.

We would also love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, or want to plug a community event email us at

Check out for more videos.

An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 32

Pashbo Proutfeet introduces this week’s show from Galadriel’s garden.  We hobbit-hot foot it off to the Frostbluff Theatre for a live stand-up comedy performance from Amon Philips.  We also look back at another highlight of the recent Winterstock Festival with The Andune Ensemble.

We would also love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, or want to plug a community event email us at

Check out for more videos.

An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 30 (Winterstock part two)

This week’s show is a second Winterstock special, with the whole show dedicated to the Sunday’s musical offerings from The Hobbiton Philharmonic, The Songburrow Strollers, The Andune Ensemble and The Starlight Orchestra.  I hope you enjoy it as much as Pashbo does!

We would also love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, or want to plug a community event email us at

Check out for more videos.

An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 29 (Winterstock part one)

This week’s An Unexpected Vidcast has a focus on the first two days of the Winterstock festival in Ered Luin, with performances by The Shades, Les Chantefables, Bara Bahau and Muckin’ Fuddle.  

Meanwhile, Pashbo continues to follow in the footsteps of Frodo Baggins, which takes him in to the dark and dangerous Mines of Moria.

We would also love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, or want to plug a community event email us at

Check out for more videos.