Vip Subscriber bonus guide

In Update 27.1 the new VIP bonuses went live. Described as below this guide will set out a more detailed look.

  •  48 hour Town Services item
  • Subscriber’s Jug that grants accelerated Crafting times and item wear prevention buffs for 48 hours. 

The items are a quest reward you can get at the Bree Boar fountain. You will receive 2 items. One is clickable item called “Subscribers town service” and the other is the “subscribers jug” which gives a 48 hour duration buff.

Quest Giver at the Bree Fountain

Subscribers Jug crafting and item wear boost

The main bonus is the accelerated crafting. All crafting recipes will now be executed in about half second (8/10). The item wear prevents your armour taking a 10% hit on death (8/10) or from general use (6/10).

The extra boost to crafting is no loss of durability on your crafting tools (9/10). Infinite crafting in a blitz if you got the mats. So be careful with craft- all with ingredient packs. Or use the 10 min craft xp scrolls to its full use.

Items, Shop and vault even in a dragon’s lair

Subscriber town service

For the next 48 hours you can click the item and a menu will pop-up with all available options. The normal restrictions apply such as having the LI’s unlocked for Relic Masters etc.

  • Normal shop with Sell, buyback and repair (8/10)
  • Personal vault (7/10)
  • Shared storage (10/10)
  • Wardrobe (6/10)
  • Auction house (7/10)
  • Legendary item forge (8/10)
  • Imbue legendary item (2/10)
  • Relic combination (3/10)

A welcome addition to the mailbox

With a good mix of parts that would get you to become a VIP. A few “guess it doesn’t hurt me” and the  the 2 new vip bonuses i’d most use are the Storage options, crafting boosts. Depending on your preferred activities the auction house (with portable mailbox) and Wardrobe for the power user.

The Shop, item wear on defeat and Reforge are great for newer and leveling players with limited bagspace or swift travels.

Not sure what would be missing besides housing storage.

48 hour limit is limiting its use

The fact that i’ve to go to a housing area or Bree on every alt i’d use it for is hurting it’s usefulness for quick alts. If i relog to another char to make some quick ingots i forgot or switch to a healer for the raid. And then first have to go to a housing area. Get the buff and leave the housing area to join the raid again. It defeats it’s quick and easy purpose at this time.

Addendum – Power use for sharing carry-all, consumables and armour

With everywhere access to your vault or shared storage you can now get away with 1 set items of which you previously used multiples on each character. Below some examples

  • 1 large carry all previously mailed around
  • Bound to account gear sets (1 dps agility set for your burg, hunter and tanking warden)
  • Not often used bound to character gear (light of erendil, a heal set)
  • 1 stack of Hope, scrolls and beorning rolls for all characters
  • 1 stack of Ingots, fragments and shards for all characters

Save materials and bagspace by not having a small stack on several characters.

Minimal Vip for max result

Updated and reposted 2019 version of “Minimal Vip for max result”

Why and when?

While being a VIP isn’t the cheapest way to get a premium account. It provides lasting bonusses to each character that was while the VIP is active. And it allows you to delay buying questpacks (usefull for level 40-50). Or you would like to play on the Legendary servers.

The most common time which most people go for a 1 month VIP subscription is at level 15 to 20. At that time the restriction on mail, AH, swift travel, gold cap and bags will become a small to large obstacle to your certain playstyles. A good option is to play 2 characters till level 30 and get Evendim with lotropoints. Or skip buying Evendim and whatever 40-50 area you would want to get and get VIP then

During VIP

While you are VIP, you are renting the questpacks. You will have all the below benefits, but will lose access to questpacks afterwards

During VIP you will have access to all questpacks. But not any bonuses an expansion pack will give. You can do the quests in Moria, but you won’t have extra classes like the Runekeeper or Warden.  Besides the bonuses you get while your VIP you will keep some additional bonuses that you won’t get when you just go for premium

Benefits of VIP (after it ends)

All characters that log in or or are created and get passed Novice in the intro area count as VIP chars for the benefits

So if you can make any characters you plan on making. You don’t have to level them. Just log in to get the bonuses.

All the bold items will remain for your characters after your VIP ends. In the long run these benefits will outweigh the upfront cash spend to buy seperate lotropoints.

Vip for 1 month is the single best long-term way to get a premium account. There is a cheaper short-term way to get a premium without the above benefits if you want. Which will be discussed in the next guide.

  • 500 LP points
  • all trait slots unlocked for all your characters on all servers
  • swift travel from all travel NPC’s
  • riding skill quest for all your characters at/past level 20
  • all 5 inventory bags unlocked
  • currency cap of 2g(free player)/5g(premium player) lifted
  • access to all quest packs and skirmishes
  • Access to the legendary server
  • shared wardrobe(20 slots)
  • Rested 100% xp
  • unlimited monster play
  • Ability to spend destiny points
  • 30 auction listings
  • Mailbox everywhere

Comparing Vip and how to get (rid of) it

Montly VIP is nearly never on sale. But gets cheaper the longer you subscribe. For a first time if you’re not sure go with 1 month. With the 3 months option you pay for 2. It is important to know that they auto-renew. If you cancel you will disable the autorenew, but the 1 or 3 months will still be active

PerkLp’s per 1 charTotal lp
500 LP-500500
Traitslot95 per slot*3*2570
Riding skill95 95
Curreny cap395395
Bag slots 325 per 5 slots 2925

Sometimes there are sales for the 6+ month plans. Myself got a $90 12 month plan after being premium for a few years. The total TP’s will be nearly the same as a $90 straight point packet.

Log in to the correct account! and follow the instruction on

Currency cap, riding skill, some traitslots and the 500 lotropoints equal 1 month vip. These things will make your stay in lotro quite pleasant. And these things are for 1 characer. You could make 3 or 4 characters and easily double your gains. If you add the total bagspace it’s a no-brainer if you can miss it off course (or if the payment options are available in your country).

LOTRO 8-Year Anniversary Rewards


LOTRO has announced the rewards for its 8th anniversary. Rewards from previous years are carried forward, with a new tier added for those who mark their 8th year along with the game:


8 Year
Accounts created on April 30th, 2007 or earlier
Songs of your deeds have traveled far and wide. Rohan, and now Gondor know your name!

You will receive:

  • An 8-year character portrait frame
  • A Hooded Cloak
  • Fireworks

Your Monster Play character will recieve:

  • Creep Inspired Fireworks!
  • 5% Attack Damage x5

The rewards will be available after 11:59 PM EDT on April 11th, and the Anniversary Festival is scheduled to run from April 15th through April 28th. For further details, check out the post by Quartermaster U.

LOTRO Store Sales 06/20/14 – 06/26/14

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25% Off  195-295 146-221

Drac Says – Use Caution! NOT ALL store cosmetics are really store exclusives.. so check in game before spending TP! meh_red (Custom)

Shared Wardrobe

  25% Off 595 446

Drac Says – If you love Cosmetics, then it’s great to see these on sale Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Cosmetic Outfit Slots

25% Off 495 371

Drac Says – If you LOVE cosmetics, then you can’t get enough of these.. Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Mounted Combat Trait Specs

25% Off 695 521

Drac Says – I would not wast my TP on these.. but to each there own.. Thumbs_Down (Custom)

War-steed Cosmetic Slots

25% Off  695 521

Drac Says – If you love to match your horse to your outfit, I’m sure you want these.. meh_red (Custom)


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June 20th – 22nd

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One Year LOTRO VIP Subscription 20% Off

From June 16th-29th, the one-year VIP LOTRO subscription will be discounted by 20%.

Discounted prices:

USD: 79.99
EUR: 63.99
GBP: 71.99

In the US, this works out to be about $6.70/month, or a little less than lunch at Jimmy Johns*. The VIP subscription includes access to all quest packs (besides Expansion Packs), skirmishes, instances, PvMP monster classes, extra character slots, 500 Turbine Points per month, and more. If you’re just getting hooked…I mean starting out in LOTRO and it looks like you may be in it for the long haul, this is a very good deal. If, like me, you own most of the content already, committing to an entire year-long subscription might still be somewhat of an iffy proposition. It is probably worth noting that Turbine has stated that all updates this year (including the pending u14) will be “free” to VIP players, as opposed to in years past when expansion packs were only available via separate purchase.

Players can upgrade to VIP via


*LOTRO Players is not endorsed by Jimmy Johns. I just love their delicious sandwiches.
 Braxwolf Stormchaser