Mordor To Launch Wednesday


We can finally walk into Mordor coming up this Wednesday.



Community Manager Cordovan posted over on the official forums

We have some good news on Mordor; all’s good and we’re ready to go on Wednesday.

The LOTRO game worlds will be unavailable from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) on Wednesday, August 2nd, to release Update 21: Mordor. Release Notes will be posted on Tuesday. Thank you for your patience, and we’ll see you soon.

Scheduled Server Downtime: 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM Eastern Thursday, January 28th


LOTRO Community Manager Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo posted a notice on the forums about upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Thursday, January 28th from 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) for an update. Patch notes will be available during the downtime. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!


Update 14.1 Release notes

The release notes for Monday’s Update 14.1 are now available on the official fourms.

Here are some highlights :

Fangorn changes
Based on player feedback we have made the following changes to the Fangorn dailies and barter costs.

It no longer takes Quickbeam 18 hours to ponder events. It is now a few seconds. He is a very hasty Ent.

Cosmetic Pet Huorns are now available for barter for 375 Fangorn Leaves each.

Rare Gear recipes now cost 70 leaves down from 100

Incomparable Gear recipes now cost 210 leaves down from 400

I for one have never done done any of these quests, as I thought the 18 hour cool down was insane. I might go back and do this at least once now.

There are two versions of the Sturdy Steel Key, one that is bound to the character and one that is not. They are two different items and cannot be stacked together. For the key that is bound to the character, the name and description for the key has been updated so that players can now see the two keys are different items.


Look for a massive influx of keys are your AH soon!


The cost of all rewards and skirmish traits have been lowered between 20%-50%. Generally. The highest level rewards and traits have seen the greatest cost reduction

The LI barter NOC has been reorganized. Offers for First Age Symbols have been combined into one group. Duplicate offers have been removed.

The Level 100 Blemished Symbol of Celebrimbor now requires 1 Seal to purchase along with the appropriate marks and medallions.

Level 65 and 75 First Age Tokens have been added to the IA barter NPC at Skirmish camps.

Good to see Level 100 Symbols are available.. Time to start grinding those marks and medallions!!



The Universal Solvent has been updated to now include an auction house category. It will appear when searching Crafting and/or Component.

The Legendary Item Services item has been updated to have a min usage level of 51. This is to resolve an issue with this item producing the intro-to-Item Advancement items for level 50 players, which have only 15 level of advancement.


Can’t wait to see what the solvent is going to sell for on the AH

Champion, Guardian, Minstrel, Warden are getting a few changes as well.

Also, there are some adjustments being made to PVMP

You can read the full notes here.


And the most cryptic of all the notes is

  • Soon has arrived.

12.1 Patch Notes

Turbine has posted the patch notes for update 12.1 on the forums.

A few of the highlights include…

Update 12.1 features more than 600 bug fixes, adjustments, changes and tweaks. These release notes reflect the major player facing changes that have been made. We didn’t think it would be terribly interesting reading a full and complete list of every typo, graphical adjustment, physics adjustment, localization change, and assorted effect tweaks made since Helm’s Deep launched.

Bounders Bounty Update

The Bounders Bounty statue is almost finished! As of Update 12.1 you can now see the statue and the names of the top ten contributing servers. Individual contributors will be added in Update 12.2.



Based on player feedback and a very strong case made by the Players Council we reverted the Hobbit female animation back to its pre Helm’s Deep version.

Several crafting reputation quests in the Lonelands have been changed and will once again require items that can be made by the specified crafting profession.

Apprentice, Journeyman and Expert Crafting Tool recipes no longer require a Superior Forge.



There are also some class changes and lots of updates for Epic Battles.. Head over to the forums to read the full patch notes