Busting the floor at the Trapdoor

Trapdoor TavernFinding myself once again trekking along, I wound up hearing about the Grand Opening of the Trapdoor Tavern in celebration of Saturday’s Ministock concert. Now immediately, one may be wary about potential death and entrapment just from the very look and name of the place, but I bucked up and decided to check it out! Located at 2 Highspire Street, Vetbrak neighborhood of Thorin’s Hall Homesteads. The walk to get there is in the mountain, a bit dark and dismal, but only until you get inside!

I was immediately greeted by the lovely Trapdoor Tavernhostess Mirinaeth. Being the grand opening, the first 10 customers were awarded with door prizes, that included 100s, a housing decoration, and clothing dye! Who does that better, but the Trapdoor Tavern.

This isn’t like any other tavern I have visited so far. She hands you their house menu and lets you choose from a over 100 different foods included non-alcoholic and food from many places through out Middle-Earth, as well as different seasonal selections. Tonight they included their special which was their Keg and Egg special: Two drinks of your choice comes with two servings of eggs and one serving of bacon for only 5s!

Trapdoor TavernNot only was it a place to eat and sleep, but also to dance and hear great music. Tonight we heard various music from the open mic which included Anricwulf Anredson (Music Mead and Mischief), Griffin (Caveat Angmarim), Roselinde Fairholm (Concerning Hobbits), Fryerstad (FEET), Tourmalien Bracegiirdle (Concerning Hobbits) actually did play a bit of Lady Gaga! Oh my!, Fionah Fairskin and Fryerstad from the band TOE JAM, oh I mean FEET.

If you have any questions, wish to book your band for music, or schedule an event at the Trapdoor Tavern, you can contact Mirinaeth, Codella, or Chastine in-game or preferably, mirinaeth@gmail.com, or visit the Tavern on Facebook.

Trapdoor Tavern
The House Band takes time away from their hostessing duties and play “The Cantina Band” for the crowd
Trapdoor Tavern
Grand Opening Fireworks

Want a story written about your music concert, rp tavern, or other happenings in the LOTRO music community on your specific server?
Send an email to fortemaestro@gmail.com.