The Rangers, a special force of elite warriors who operate on the fringe of the kingdom of Olaran, are the first line of defense and bring justice to the Borderlands using their training and wilderness skills. This elite caste was founded many years ago by King Alirion, who saw the need to have a force of warriors loyal to the crown, outside of the highly political royal court and aristocratic knights of the military. The Rangers of Olaran are the eyes, ears, voice and hand of the king in the wilds. They are the beacon lighters, the law and order to the distant boundaries of the realm, set on the frontiers to guard and keep watch over the borders of the Kingdom. Our story follows the adventures of The Wolf Pack Ranger unit, led by Lieutenant Brander Noke, also known as Wolf because of the ferocious, savage and often unorthodox pursuit of his duty. The Pack is joined by a half-elf, Soren Fell, whose identity may hold the key to unlocking the enigma of the gathering darkness that invades their land. Together, they must strive to help their world overcome the greatest challenge of their time, Prince Korlan. Korlan is The Shadow Prince, leader of the Umbrans, an ancient race also known as Shadow Elves. Korlan recaptures an ancient and evil blade, The Etcher of Souls, a sword that holds great power and a terrible secret. The Rangers, the king’s vanguard, find themselves alone, standing between The Shadow Prince and his wrathful destiny.
The Rangers introduces an original world of high fantasy, Adrasil. It is a rich, multi-layered and complex realm, with its own mythos and lexicon of heroes and races. Creator, Ron Newcomb and his team of award winning filmmakers, began conceiving the world of The Rangers with a creation myth and a timeline for the history of the world. Drawing from their literary knowledge and extensive roleplaying backgrounds,they utilize an almost RPG-style adventure world creation.
In the pilot, The Rangers: A Shadow Rising, created through a successful Kickstarter campaign, we are introduced to the world of The Rangers and are immediately drawn into its charm and depth.
Completed in July 2015, The Rangers: A Shadow Rising is available for purchase at the Forge Studios website.