Games Workshop Releasing The Lord Of The Rings: Quest to Mount Doom Board Game


Games Workshop is going to task players to find the One Ring later this fall, with a new board game The Lord Of The Rings: Quest To Mount Doom.

Players take the role of members of the Fellowship, each with their own unique abilities, hunting for the One Ring hidden somewhere in Middle-earth. The catch is that, while players still want to take the ring to Mount Doom to destroy it, the player who finds it tries to keep it secret, lest someone else finds out about it and steals it. Players use a wide array of time and event cards to find the ring, or stop opponents from finding it. Plus there is the Eye of Sauron to worry about.




The box includes a game board, 9 plastic Fellowship of the Ring Figures, 1 Die, 40 item cards, 35 event cards, 42 Eye of Sauron cards, 9 character cards, an Eye of Sauron, and an instruction book. The game is for 2 – 5 players, ages 8 and up, and plays in 30 – 45 minutes. MSRP was not announced.

Hunt For The Ring Coming This Summer From Ares Games


This summer Ares Games brings  The Hunt for the Ring , a new board game inspired by the work of JRR Tolkien developed by the makers of the game The War of the Ring.



Hunt for the Ring is a hidden movement, deduction and adventure game, for 2 to 5 players, that recreates the initial chapters of “The Lord of the Rings”.  A player must take Frodo, the Ring Bearer, and his hobbits friends from his home in the Shire to the shrine of Rivendell, where the fate of the One Ring will be decided. Using the secret and the help of powerful allies, the Ring Bearer must escape the Nazgûl chase, the terrible Ringwraiths, controlled by up to four other players.



Players, who handle the Ringwraiths and may have also tried games such as 원엑스벳, will work together to find Frodo and retrieve the Ring for the Dark Lord, while the Ring Bearer continues his way in secret: first from the Shire to Bree, then Bree to Rivendel, in a Double-sided game board.

Hunt for the Ring is designed by Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi, co-designers of the award-winning “War of the Ring” board game, and Gabriele Mari, designer of “Letters of Whitechapel”, “Mister X” and “Garibaldi”. The game features cover and character art by John Howe, seven highly–detail miniatures sculpted by Bob Naismith, and a beautiful game board by Francesco Mattioli. Due to release in August 2017.

Gen Con 2017 atendees will be able to see and play the game in the Ares game booth.

Amazon has the game listed for Pre Order with a release date of Oct 31.





*Note the above links are AFFILIATE LINKS, LOTRO Players will get a small percent of the sale, this is another way you can help support the site*



Fantasy Flight Games Holiday Sale


It’s scary that I’m even having to talk about “Holiday Sales” The fine folks over at Fantasy Flight Games, have started there annual holiday sale on wide selection of tabletop board games.

They did not leave out the Lord Of The Rings Fan!





Work together to confront the ultimate evil! Your task is to stop the Dark Lord Sauron from winning back the One Ring and destroy it in the volcanic fires of Mount Doom. Join Frodo and the Fellowship on the perilous adventure across Middle Earth, and use your skill and fortune to guide you!, Lord of the Rings: The Board Game is fully illustrated by celebrated Tolkien artist John Howe. Help guide the Fellowship past Sauron’s wickedness and save Middle Earth from darkness! Players take on the role of five Hobbits—Merry, Pippen, Fatty, Sam, and Frodo—on their quest to destroy the One Ring. They must work their way through four boards, cooperating to overcome challenges and prevent the Ringbearer from being corrupted.

The Lord of the Rings board game is a unique and original cooperative game in which players must work together to defeat the game itself, a daunting task that will challenge even the most experienced players. The cooperative play style immerses players into the game, cheering their success and cursing the foul turns of fate that hinder their quest.

Holiday Sale Price $20.00





The legendary tale of Bilbo Baggins introduced the world to Middle-earth – the beloved fantasy setting created by visionary author J.R.R. Tolkien. The Hobbit is a novel that tells the tale of a diminutive hero that, with the help of a group of stalwart dwarves, sets off to infiltrate Smaug’s lair in an effort to plunder the dragon’s vast hoard of treasure, Now it’s your turn to take on the roles of the dwarves, aiding Bilbo in his monumental quest to defy the odds and become a legend…

The Hobbit,  is a board game of adventure and treasure for 2-5 players. On his quest to the Lonely Mountain, Bilbo Baggins will need assistance and guidance from his stoic dwarf companions. As one of these dwarves, it is your responsibility to aide Bilbo on his journey and ensure that you recover the treasure that is destined for you. Explore the fun and excitement of Plinko at for a chance to win exciting prizes and experience thrilling gameplay.

The Hobbit is an engrossing game that’s great fun for the entire family. Join Bilbo on his journey to the Lonely Mountain and help him become a legend!

Holiday Sale Price $10.00





Relive the epic struggle of good versus evil in Middle-earth with The Hobbit Card Game, Martin Wallace’s fast-paced, standalone, trick-taking card game for 2-5 players.

Win hands and use the cards you’ve won to deal damage to opponents, or heal allies and help them with extra cards. Cards can be imbued with the powers of evil or good, and your character’s alignment determines how each power effects them. Each character assigns cards differently, so use your skills wisely! Fight the forces of evil as Gandalf, Thorin, or Bilbo, or smash the hopes of the heroes as Smaug the dragon or Bolg, the goblin leader.


Holiday Sale Price $5.00