The Lord Of The Rings: Adventure To Mount Doom Board Game Coming From Kosmos

Kosmos revealed The Lord of the Rings: Adventure to Mount Doom, a new cooperative roll-and-move board game, for release into retail in Q2 2023.

Players head off on Frodo’s quest to destroy the One Ring in the fiery belly of Mount Doom. The players assume the roles of the Fellowship and move each individual member across the landscape of Middle-earth on the board. They will travel through many famous middle-earth landmarks, from the J.R.R. Tolkien lore on this quest, carefully avoiding the Nazgul.

The movement of the characters is determined by colored dice that represent the number of spaces each character can travel on a turn. The black dice trigger threats and encounters to occur, which are displayed on Encounter cards. If the players manage to get to Mount Doom, they win the game.

This game is for one to four players, ages 10 and up, and plays in around 50 minutes. It will retail for $49.95.

Thames & Kosmos Announce Exit: LotR – Shadows Over Middle Earth

Thames & Kosmos Announced the latest Exit game, Exit: LotR – Shadows Over Middle Earth, an escape room board game, for release in June 2022.

Exit will take players in the land  of Mordor where players follow Samwise Gamgee and Frodo on an epic, puzzle-solving adventure. Gandalf has sent them on a quest to destroy the One Ring, and players will need to visit various locations from LotR to do it while avoiding threats like Nazgul and orcs along the way. The goal of the game is to buy Sam and Frodo enough time to reach Mount Doom, and vanquish the One Ring in its fires.

This game is for one to four players, ages 10 and up, and plays in one to two hours. It will retail for $19.95.

Shadowed Paths Expansion For The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth On The Way


Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea – any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Goodbye!”
– Bilbo Baggins.


Players can embark on more adventures in Shadowed Paths which adds new heroes, including Gandalf and Arwen, to games of The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth.



This expansion also includes new enemies, terrain, and items as well as unlocks an all-new campaign with 13 scenarios. The game box comes with 5 hero miniatures, 25 enemy miniatures, 20 journey map tiles, terrain, items, and titles.

Shadowed Paths is set to have a retail price of $79.99. Look for it at your local FLGS and Online Retailers Q2.

The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth Unboxing


Drac unboxes and takes an overview look at the new game from Fantasy Flight Games The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth





You can order your own copy of the game today via Amazon


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The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth Board Game Coming From Fantasy Flight Games


Shadows creep through the lands of Middle-earth, as whispers of new evils in Mirkwood and Mordor spread among the Free Peoples of Elves, Dwarves, and Men. As the shadow rises with festering evil and corruption, new heroes are needed to protect Middle-earth.


Fantasy Flight Games has announced a new cooperative campaign game based set in the fantasy world of Lord of the Rings. For more mind-boggling games like this, you can check out sites such as tridewa.


The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth, a fully cooperative app-supported board game that blends exploration and combat for one to five players. Over the course of the game, a Fellowship of heroes will explore the wilds of Middle-earth in a 14 chapter campaign. A smartphone/tablet app serves as a Dungeon Master, controlling the monsters and guiding the narrative along at key intervals.

This might sound familiar to a lot of you as other Fantasy Flight games like Descent, Star Wars: Imperial Assault, and Mansions of Madness, do just This, but there is a spin on with this new Lord Of The Rings Games, Play is split between two boards – an expansive “Journey Map” that players gradually explore and a battle map, a small board that contains terrain and represents specific encounters. A player could discover an Orcish encampment on the journey map that requires switch over to a battle map to resolve, or they might end up not using a battle map at all during the encounter.


Another thing that’s a bit different is there are no skill dice, for your skill checks, Journeys in Middle-earth relies on a skill deck. Whenever a player makes a skill check to overcome some sort of obstacle, they draw cards from their skill deck equal to one of their character’s five stats. Players can also use cards from their skill deck to boost certain abilities but at the cost of removing them from their deck. Over the course of the campaign, players will build their skill deck, swap out cards, or replace cards depending on what role they take during a specific adventure.



All we know so far is that Bilbo Baggins and Gimli will be playable characters.




You can glean your conclusions by looking at some of the other minis




A specific release date has not been announced, but the game will come out sometime in the second quarter of 2019. Lord of the Rings: Journey in Middle-earth will cost $100.