Sent in by Cotho of Dwarrowdelf
Here’s the new Caparison of the Midsummer with Spring Lissuin Halter and Leggings (all 3 dyed with forest green) and Spring Lissuin Saddle.
A note from Marmafel of Imladris:
We’re outside Hytbolt, contemplating the long road ahead of us to rebuild the town.
Stormy’s hide is Tobiano dyed black, with a charcoal simple tail. The saddle is the Rohirrrim Elite saddle, and the gear is the Accessory of the Northstar. We’re traveling light as long as we can!
From Caiyyd:
This is the steed my minstrel uses when she is on the way to an event. It’s a good bit flashier than her war mount!
Hide: Overo hide, Red Roan color
Head: Steed of the Minstrel Halter, Ered Luin Blue
Body: Light Caparison of the Entwash, Ered Luin Blue
Legs: Light Leggings of the Wold, Ered Luin Blue
Saddle: Light Saddle of the Norcrofts
Gear: Steed of the Minstrel Gear
Note from Sig: When I saw these pictures I was blown away. Having looked at all the color options during beta there were just some colors that absolutely looked like rubbish to me. This was one of them. As you can see in the photos above, Kemendin did an amazing job of combining hide and color to make a great looking Warsteed. You might even catch me in all my dwarfyness sitting on something like that.