BREAKING – NEW RACE – Stout Axe Dwarf


I just got back to my hotel room at Gen Con 2019, after attending the Standing Stone Games DDO/LOTRO meetup.

As in previous years, Standing Stone had a bit of news to unleash on the crowd of about 100 that had gathered at the Punch Bowl Social in Indianapolis.



Stoutaxe Dwarf is a new race coming to LOTRO


Here is what we know –


the stout axes refused to return their dwarf ring, having lived in the Far East of middle-earth
More grim, taller, hardened by their captivity. they will have a new starting area.


Here is our first look, thanks to Sev and his phone and a big thanks to Druidsfire for live tweeting and  for capturing the photo! as I was getting the video!


Also They are working race changes, so this means any race will be able to go to any other race except Beornings (either coming or going) Class restrictions still apply.


Here is the video of the announcement from the meet up – NOTE – this was taken via my cell phone and the bar was loud, so this is not the best, but wanted to get this out asap, so I did not edit this video at all.