LOTRO Steam Content On Sale

2015-06-12 12.41.37In addition to the sales in the LOTRO Market and Turbine Market, LOTRO content on Steam is also currently 75% off!

The sale includes the Helm’s Deep expansion, the expansion Quad Pack (Mines of Moria, Siege of Mirkwood, Rise of Isengard & Riders of Rohan), and the Steely Dawn Starter Park. More info here.

Sale ends July 6.

Steam Summer Sale DAY 5 LEGO Deals

Day 5 of the annual Steam Summer Sale is upon us, and there are some deals that Tolkien fans will want to take note of.

header_292x136 75% Off LEGO Lord Of The Rings   $4.99

header_292x1366 75% Off LEGO The Hobbit   $7.49

These are current daily deals, the prices reflected above should be good for the next 42 hours at least (At times, the prices will still reflect for the games after)

If you’ve been looking to pick up this games, this is a GREAT time to do so!

If you have never seen them, here are the official trailers for both games

Humble Bundle WB Games

WB Has a “Hubmle Bundle” going on right now. It was a wonderful deal and then WB Pulled out the stops and added more to the bundle, this is the complete list of what you can get.

Pay what you want. Support charity. Get awesome games from WB Games.

Pay more than the average of $4.65 to unlock more awesome games and DLC!

As you can see you there are few titles on there that will be of special note to the LOTRO and Tolkien Fan!

So for under $5.00 (But please give more as this is for charity!) you can have a wonderful pack of games! And you can “Gift” this games on steam as well, so keep that in mind as well!