Critters journey [40] Due to graphic content

squeaky-5Due to the graphical nature of this battle. Thise panel can’t be shown on lotroplayers. We hope you keep with us while we consider the poor impressionable hobbits visiting this site. But what is this snowy huorn doing so far from his home? And oh yeah squeaks completely forgot about Bearly in Pelagrir. Ah well. He’s just looking for some help for the glorious battle we just had.

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Critters Journey [38] A main dish of corsairs and lembas

Squeaky  3Finding no help from the “heroes” of middle earth since they are to busy with their photoshoots. The critters took it upon themself to get all the baskets stocked with food ready for the travel to pelagrir. But it seems some trouble might be brewing and it’s not the yeast.

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Critters Journey [37] A river of stories and forest tails

Squeaky 2Friendly corsairs?! What was that rat thinking? Mermaids?! What is the rat thinking? Mingy rats telling their basket food offerings are no good, what will the humans be thinking?

Plenty of people won’t recognize it or came across this quest/deed. But the food baskets mentioned in this comic are a weird little quest that has some deeper ties with some Lotro quests back in Evendim and the lore surrounding it.

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Critters Journey [36] The Marooned 5

Squeaky 1This week Bearly the squirrel finds himself in Pelagrir where he evaded the corsairs in Gondor so far. But him desire to help the refugees might end up costing him when a group of corsairs think he is the raid boss and follow the Rat.

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