Gandalf the White
Gandalf‘s duel with the balrog in the depths of Moria on Durin’s Bridge was a pivotal moment in the narrative of The Lord of the Rings. During the duel, Gandalf sacrificed himself to save the lives of the other members of the fellowship – allowing them to continue escorting the ring bearer on his mission.
We join with the elves in Lothlórien to mourn Gandalf – only to discover later that Gandalf has come back to life! Who can say that’s not to sing about?
I selected Simon Curtis‘ Superhero provided a fitting tune to celebrate Gandalf’s life and deeds. There’s plenty to celebrate: expelling and degrading Saruman to wrest back control of the White Council, oversighting the martial preparations of Minas Tirith to withstand the Witch-King, and finally inaugurating the ultimate showdown with Sauron’s armies outside the Morannon (Black Gate) of Mordor.
Lyrics & Melody
Superhero is a straight rock-song: with plenty of punch and a striking melody.
The repetition of the word “superhero” in the chorus trumpets what the song is all about: the celebration of heroism and heroic deeds. Indeed, it would be hard to discover a modern-day song better-suited to celebrate the exploits of a Tolkienesque hero.
I append the lyrics to Gandalf the White below:
Gandalf the White
Back from the dead – Gandalf is still alive.
Saying – come on, come on, come on
Come to Isengard!
All the ents were ready for a fight
They had come on, come on, come on
Are going to win it now.
I must do all that has been given me.
With the power that is entrusted me.
Our battle will go down in history
For our posterity. What is our destiny?Ch:
We can now save Midgard
From the Dark Lord’s power.
He’s gonna take it over.
Is that what you want to see?
Fourth Age beginning
Our hope is in winning.
Will you play your part so
All who see you want to be
Like you a hero
Like you a hero
A mighty hero
They might want to be
Like you a hero
Like you a hero
A mighty hero
So they also could be
So they also could be
So they also could beV2:
Through the Black Gate, right to the Dark Lord’s face
Challenge: come on, Sauron, show us who you really are!
Without The Ring, you’re no better than the rest –
You’re a shadow of yourself, a debilitated falling-star!
Where’s your might that we should believe in you?
Now we’re here: what is it you will do?
On Mount Doom your power’s deserting you
As Frodo will surely do
Destroy the ring – and you!
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