Who’s that Nazgûl?

The Song

This parody of the Eurythmic‘s Who’s That Girl? describes the flight of Frodo ring-bearer to Rivendell to escape from the Nine Riders.



Riding for Rivendell
As fast as the wind.
The Black Riders
Are closing fast behind.
They shadow your trail.
They are hard on the chase.
You just cannot lose them.
‘Tis a desperate race.


For there’s just one thing –
And there’s just one thing –
Yeah there’s just one thing –
That I really wanna know


Those Black Riders
Are riding hard after you. Tell me
Who’s that Nazgûl
Stalking and hunting you? Tell me
In the darkness
On weathertop they pursue. Tell me
Olórin Istar –


The Ford of Bruinen
Whispers at their feet.
They want the ring-bearer.
They will never retreat.
The Ringwraiths ride in
And would the waters cross.
The Bruinen arises
The Black Riders are lost.

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The Retreat of the Noldor

About the Song

The song The Retreat of the Noldor is a parody of Everything but the Girl‘s Missing.

The Retreat of the Noldor describes Melkor‘s armies overrunning Middle Earth as narrated in Tolkien’s Silmarillion. 

Fëanor was a High King of the Noldor until his death in battle just post Dagor-nuin-Giliath (the Battle under the Stars): when Fëanor was ambushed and surrounded by ballots and smitten by Gothmog, the Lord of Balrogs. 


The Retreat of the Noldor


To Middle Earth we came
High elves fleeing here from Valinor
Through fire and shame
We marched as though to war.
Alqualondë I blame
Fëanor’s fey-madness. I am sure
No man can tame
His mind once made up. And I saw-


All this is true.
To Middle Earth we Noldor came.
Now this we rue –
For we are reaping death and pain.


Winning at the first –
We slay the orcs. They retreat into Angband.
But we were cursed
And soon the war got out of hand.
Our enemies strong burst
Springing an ambush. Forced to take a stand
We came off worst
So are we Noldori all damned?



Fëanor lies dead.
Yet his oath binds each his seven sons
Now in his stead:
They are the curséd ones.
The Dark Lord is seatéd
Deep in Angband’s halls. We are undone!
Much blood we shed
In wars unending, but which are never won.

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The King of the Dead

About the Song

The song The King of the Dead is a parody of Everything but the Girl‘s Missing.

The King of the Dead describes a character from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings: the King of the Dead, ruler of the Paths of the Dead that lie beyond the Dark Door in the Dwimorberg


The King of the Dead


It is our shame.
The Dwimorberg we knew it very well.
The Dark Years came –
And to the dark we fell.
The Harrowdale we claim.
Beyond the Dark Door, we lost spirits dwell
Without a name.
Like an ante-room of hell.


What can we do?
For our Oath is like a chain.
Where’s the rescue
For the warriors of Cain?


To the Dark Lord
We gave allegiance while we worshipped him.
We pledged our word.
Our whole future was dim.
Then by Isildur’s sword
We broke with Sauron on a wild whim.
Nothing assured
Our chances – they were slim.



I’m King of the Dead
Isildur’s curse has fallen upon me.
The words he said
Are oath-binding to me.
Under this mount we fled
Existing here in endless misery.
Till we redeem our oath and are set free.

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Lúthien in the Halls of Mandos

About the Song

The song Lúthien in the Halls of Mandos is a parody of Everything but the Girl‘s Missing.

Lúthien in the Halls of Mandos describes a scene from Tolkien’s Silmarillion: when princess Lúthien journeys to the Halls of Mandos to plead for the life of her fiancée, Beren. 


Lúthien in the Halls of Mandos


Named Tinúviel
In Doriath I lived and danced and played.
So all was well.
Until by Beren’s love I was waylaid.
His Doom I could foretell –
For my hand Thingol forced him make a trade
A Silmaril.
For this a high price would be paid.


Doom will pursue
Us over earth and sea and sky.
What will ensue?
Only the Vala can descry.


Traveling with Huan
To the north out from hidden Nargothrond
Our only plan
To liberate Tol Sirion.
By songs of power I can
Bind black spirits – even of Sauron
To save my man
Then into peril we go on.


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Uruk-Hai are Coming

About the Song

The song Uruk-Hai are Coming is a parody of Tommee Profitt‘s Storm is Coming.

Uruk-Hai are Coming describes the Battle of Helm’s Deep: where Saruman’s forces (including his specially bred Uruk-Has orcs) are sent to extirpate King Théoden’s Rohirrim, who have taken refuge in the Hornburg.


Uruk-Hai are Coming


Uruk-Hai are all around us.
Gandalf vanished in the night.
We will hardly last till morning.
Oh oh. Oh oh.


Uruk-Hai are coming.
And we can’t escape!
Rohirrim are falling
In blood and rain.
Helm’s Deep is shaking
Its walls are going to break.
Uruk-Hai are coming.
And we can’t escape.


I awakened from my sickness.
Wormtongue fled into the night.
I will die beside my people.
Oh oh. Oh oh.



Uruk-Hai are coming!
The orcs are coming!
Is Gandalf coming?

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