Anew I curse my father’s oath That slew us brothers, causing both The Silmarils – our Silmarils! - Those jewels whose mere possession spills The blood of elven race uncounted! Yea, our Oath in fine amounted To kinslaying and exile From Valinor, the elven isle Of Elfinesse, of Elvenhome To wander far, while drifting roam Afar over all Middle Earth Where our fore-fathers had their birth Beside a lake far in the East. Have blood-feuds helped us in the least To regain what our Father lost? What we regained – and at what cost Of blood flowing in rivers down The halls of Doriath to drown All Elfinesse in ruin and flame! All this done in our father’s name - He who we loved, dear Fëanor! With bloody hands we did restore Two Silmarils when Eönwë Let us depart. I, by the sea Held up my jewel. But while I stand. Its holy fire burnt my hand! Am I corrupted? Finally The Silmaril rejected me! I clutch it tight despite the burn. In agony I quickly turn To cast the Silmaril away Into the waters of the bay. All lost! My Silmaril is lost! How many centuries it cost Of blood and plotting, sweat and tears And endless toil through long years Of insane slaughter, bitter war As elf slew elf by the seashore Of Balar. All this I have done. Such fetters circle me, the son Of Fëanor! Chained to my word - The Oath I swore, by deeds abhorred I fulfilled all it asked of me. Now I have cast it to the sea! What have I done – who can forgive? Without the jewels – how can I live? Farewell Noldor and Valinor! I wander by the wide seashore Singing the songs of Elfinesse Telling my grief and bitterness As shackled, burdened by the curse Of old deeds that I here rehearse.

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