A Tribute to Dol-Amroth

Hail and well met friends!

Since the release of Western Gondor on Lord of the Rings Online, I thought it fitting to give a tribute to Dol-Amroth now that it’s one of the great cities we are able to gaze upon in our journey within the game.

images (2)The Great City of Dol-Amroth

Let’s take a quick look at some history of this great city and where it formed.  We’ll start with Imrazor the Numenorean who moved to Edhellond According to tradition,  he married Mithrellas, a Silvan Elf of Lorien who bore a son which they named Galador.  After Imrazor’s death, his son Galador went on to found the city and later the princedom of Dol-Amroth.  Galador is counted the first lord of Dol-Amroth though the specific date of its foundation is nowhere recounted

373e5f204898613396a34130d2806d21The city of Dol-Amroth was built south of Edhellond at the inlet of Cobas Haven which was in the Bay of Belfalas. In the north of the city was built the Seaward Tower of Tirith Aear. The banner of the city was a silver swan, which were also seen on the battle banners carried by the knights during the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

The lands of Dol-Amroth were also known as Dor-en Ernil, which Galador’s father Imrazor lived and ruled.  It was also named the ‘Lands of the Prince’ which Galador inherited when he founded princedom over Dol-Amroth.

The first settlers of the area were Sindar from Beleriand and the people of Dol-Amroth were tall, grey-eyed, and dark-haired. They were famous for their abilities as the most skilled harp players in all of Gondor, who also played at the coronation of Aragorn. The inhabitants of Dol Amroth and in the lands nearby were some of the few people of Gondor who spoke Sindarin as a main language.

Until next time, I’m your host Iogro Merrybelly

A Necromancer Above All – Part One

Hail and well met everyone!

These next few weeks we are going to take a peek into an ancient evil and the origin of how Sauron came to be and the corruption that he brought to Middle-Earth. Whether you are a die hard Tolkien fan, or a new comer to the scene of Tolkien lore I hope you enjoy this series.

Before the creation of Ea, Sauron was one of the countless Ainur spirits created by Eru Iluvatar, though at this time he was known as Mairon the Admirable, and partook in the Ainulindale, or Music of the Ainur.   However, unlike many other spirits, Mairon did not align himself with Melkor upon the introduction of his discord themes, and thus, did not initially fall under his sway.  When the Music was completed, Mairon was one of the spirits who descended into Arda.

sauron_gorthaur the first ageSauron during the First Age

Upon his arrival in Arda, Mairon was one of the Maiar who aligned himself with Aule the Smith, and learned much from him in the ways of forging and crafting, becoming a great craftsman, and mighty in the lore of Aule’s people. Although he was a Maia spirit, and not as mighty as the Valar, Mairon was one of the most powerful Maiar, being far stronger than others such as Olorin and Curunir (who was also a servant of Aule).
During this time, Mairon was as Eru had created him: good and uncorrupt. His greatest virtue was his love of order and perfection, disliking anything wasteful. However, this would also prove to be the source of his fall, for in the Dark Lord Morgoth, Mairon saw the will and power that would help him achieve his own goals and desires faster than if he had pursed them on his own. So great was his allegiance that even in later days, after Morgoth was defeated and locked outside the confines of the world, Sauron encouraged and coerced some Men to worship Morgoth as the one and true god. However, while Morgoth wanted to either control or destroy the very matter of Arda itself, Mairon’s desire was to dominate the minds and wills of its creatures.

After allying himself with Morgoth, Mairon maintained his appearance of being faithful to the Valar, but secretly fed Morgoth information about their dealings. It was only when Morgoth established his strongholds in Middle-Earth that Sauron left the Blessed Realms and openly declared his allegiance, and ever after remained a foe of the Valar and the Free Peoples of Middle Earth. TheSindar in Beleriand called him “Gorthaur” (“Dread Abomination”), and the Noldor, “Sauron” (“The Abhorred” or ‘The Abominable”–a mockery of his original name) At first, he was a spy for Morgoth, telling him of the Valar’s doings.

Saurons BannerThe Great Eye

Sauron bears a coat of arms that is black charged with a red eye. An interesting dichotomy is set up between his deceptive nature and his symbol. While rarely appearing personally and deceiving all but the most wary, he represented himself as an all seeing eye that could pierce all disguises.  During the First Age, the Noldorin Elves left the Blessed Realm of Valinor in the Utter West (against the counsel of the Valar) in order to wage war on Morgoth, who had stolen the Silmarils of Feanor, enchanted gems that glowed with light from the now-destroyed Trees of Valinor. In that war, Sauron was counted as the “greatest of Morgoth’s servants that have names” He was soon feared as a lord of terrible phantoms and dreadful beasts–a shape shifter, sorcerer, and a cunning servant of his dark master.

Draughlin First Warewolf

After his defeat by Luthien, Sauron played little part in the events of the First Age (possibly hiding from Morgoth’s wrath), and after his master was defeated and taken to Valinor in chains, Sauron seemed to repent and pled to Eonwe and the victorious Host of the West for mercy. Although his plea was probably genuine, Sauron was unwilling to return to the Utter West for judgment, and so he fled and hid somewhere in Middle-earth.

 Until next time, I’m your host Iogro Merrybelly and I bid you a farewell.

A story performed in Lotro: Beren and Luthien

I hope everyone has a truly good day. Is weekend, and is soon summer-vacation for my sake and that means more playing in Lotro and more musicmaking. 😉

In this blog I will show a little video made in the game that shows a chapter from Silmarillion.

I believe everyone has heard about the two characters Beren and Luthien. The love story between the fair elven maiden Luthien and the mortal man Beren. But I also assume many have not read the whole story and know exactly what they went through, and what happened to them. This will be a visualising of one of the most popular chapters in Silmarillion performed in Lotro and with ABC music.

The video is made by a very good friend of mine called Whiteberry, she has done all the editing and also is the narrator in this video. The music is from Shades/myself, you will in this video hear: “Numenor” and “Nightingale” (which is a song about Beren and Luthien, Beren called Luthien for Nightingale) and “When night falls”. More credits you will find after the video. The characters are mostly people from “The Shadows” and “Extraordinary adventure league”

Hopefully you will enjoy this video, and perhaps motivate you to read more about this story in Silmarillion. I also hope for more cooperation projects like this with Berry. It was really enjoyable, and knit many things together. Like storytelling, art, music and fun in the game. So if anyone have any ideas please poke me