tips: emote shortcuts

I’ve recently made some emote shortcuts for the festival dances and for the emotes which contribute towards a deed.  As I have to look this up *every* single time and thought I can’t be alone…, I thought I’d share the how to and include a handy reference guide to the quickslot numbers 🙂

To make a shortcut for an emote, type:

/shortcut XX /nameofemote

so to make a shortcut for the emote ‘cheer’ to be placed in your first quickslot, type:

/shortcut 1 /cheer

There are 6 available toolbars – named under UI as Toolbar (main bar) and Quickslots 1-5.  Each slot on these toolbars has its own number used to identify it in a shortcut.



For more information about shortcuts and aliases, see this page on the lotro wiki.