An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 8

Much excitement over at An Unexpected Vidcast this week, as Pashbo Proudfeet and Rubyrae build up to this year’s Big Burrow!  

Eight contestants from across the free people of Middle Earth enter the Big Burrow house, and you will be able to vote out your least favourite ones in future weeks.

We also join Pashkoi on his A-Z of Middle-Earth, this week stopping off at the Doors of Durin.

Finally, Chumbly of Laurelin mentions November’s Archet Aid as part of his Community News  and talks also of the efforts to contribute towards future training of the Bounders.  All this and the usual roundabout of the LOTRO Store News.

We would love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, or want to just send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, email us at

Check out for more videos

An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 7

Pashbo Proudfeet and Rubyrae provide their usual weekly update of community and store news as well as other regular features.  

This week we have a new series of Lotrocation Lotrocation Lotrocation that explores the Michel Delving Homesteads and latest Middle Earth sensations “The A Miners” performing on Later at the Ivy Bush.  Meanwhile Chumbly of Laurelin checks out the Friday evening goings on at the Green Dragon in Bywater.

We would love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, or want to just send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, email us at

Check out for more videos

ABC to Audio: Meadow Breeze

Contrary too many I tend to do things quite the opposite. Instead of transcribing my Audioversions to ABC songs. I do the other way around. All my song has been written to Achazia and “The Shades”, as the game have brought back my joy to write music. So the songs have been written to suit the ABC system.

Meadow Breeze was written for both “the Shades” but also a dedication to my elf Amorith and her eternal love to Earinlin, which is her bethrotal. So when you hear the song you can hear the message of love during the whole song and her longing when he is not around being kept away from her, it belongs to the story that he literary were kept away from her because of the duties he had in Vanimar (this is some years ago though in a lovely kinship we were a part of) We had an awesome storyline Roleplay-wise which trigged and inspired me to write this song.

In this video you can hear the song in ABC, and Amorith wandering around thinking:

A year after I thought I should try to do my first attempt on an audio-version where I was singing for the first time:

(I hope you can hear the similarity)

I will post the ABC code as well if you like the song, Atleast is quite unique as it does not belong to knowned artists, which can be good in a Roleplay setting.

(is both mulitpart song and soloversion in the same file. nr. 100 is the soloversion)



An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode Two

An Unexpected Vidcast
An Unexpected Vidcast

Pashbo Proudfeet and his daughter Rubyrae present their second episode, featuring more stories, poems, fun and news.  An offering for the roleplayers amongst you, as well as those that prefer their news communicated by Hobbits!

In this edition, the poet Pashrandir recites his latest offering “Being Followed by Bert”, which is dedicated to all captains.  Drunken dwarves Pashili Copperbeard and Korili explore Thorins Hall Inn for their “Come Drink With Me” slot.  We catch up with Willmatt and Chanile as they attempt to reach level 85 before the release of Helms Deep, and young hobbit Pashcombe provides a musical offering during “Later at the Ivy Bush”.

And for those of you that missed out on Episode One…..

We would love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, or want to just send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, email us at

Check out for more videos