Submit your Steed: Stormy

A note from Marmafel of Imladris:

We’re outside Hytbolt, contemplating the long road ahead of us to rebuild the town.

Stormy’s hide is Tobiano dyed black, with a charcoal simple tail.  The saddle is the Rohirrrim Elite saddle, and the gear is the Accessory of the Northstar.  We’re traveling light as long as we can!

A Hobbit Warden and Her Steed

With the current sale on Warsteed color packs, both Mossie and I were able to pick up some. Here is Mossie with “Popcorn”, her trusty steed.

Hide: Shaggy Roan, colored Dun
Head: Light Halter of the Wold dyed Crimson
Body: Light Caparison of the Wold dyed Crimson
Legs: Light Leggings of the Wold dyed Crimson
Gear: Rohirrim Elite Saddle, Orc Head on a Pike

Survivalist’s Accessory

I picked up the Survivalist’s Accessory from the LOTRO Store for 395TP. I really liked it and figured it was a decent enough way to spend my deeding TP from the last few days. You can see it in the screen shots below!

In the Stables
Adventuring in the Entwash Vale
Cool clear water