Fresh off the heels of the latest round of Turbine layoffs, LOTRO community manager Andy Cataldo (Frelorn) took to Twitch today to level his hobbit minstrel and answer community questions. One of the first questions answered got an open and candid response from Frelorn:
I’ll answer this question once, since I knew it was going to be asked. It’s the elephant in the room.
Frelorn then proceeded to say that the layoffs will have no effect on the current plans for LOTRO. He did not elaborate as to whether the “current plans” constituted the roadmap that Turbine has in place, or just the current plans that the community are aware of, which only extend to the end of 2014 (2 1/2 more months). He also said that we would be hearing more information about the roadmap later this year, after the release of update 15.