Long lost might be an overstatement, but Mordor has been around for over 3 years. There are already some questing nuggets you might have forgotten about or skipped on your second go around.
The first two fortresses of Mordor would provide some solid challenges, and with the help of their infamousy Barad Dur and Cirith Ungol you would venture deeper and deeper. By the time you’ve reached Nargroth and Seregrost however people usually want to see green mountains again.
Stick with it, both fortresses provide a good backstory to questing and epics you will see once you reach Minas Morgul. Lhaereth and the Gúrzyul will show up again. And make you go, hey i got that reference.
Ryme and rust
Those green forests and mountains will show up in Northern Mirkwood. Not often do players skipped out on Dale, Laketown or Erebor, but between the release of this region and Ered Mithrin people were treated to an evil Bingo Boffin. Less pets, but plenty of mystery that would set you up for all the epic quests and black book chapters. Visit Thorin once you’ve finished https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Category:Trail_of_Rust_Quests for the start of this questline.
We need more Iron hills.
The withered heath might be skipped, but not forgotten. There arn’t many things in this questpack that makes you go ah yeah. It’s the other way around. We’ve gotten the feeling that SSG forgot some quests in the Ironfold itself. iT would be a great place for some warbands, a few excursions into caves or a few more dwarven lore. Great scenery, untouched by evil and open places makes it a completely different area then before.
More ex-dailies
The Rhosgobel and Radagast army of critters are feeling a bit lonely. Come and help them out and bring some snacks. Cause you will need plenty of snacks to feed them. A lot of repeating, but having a trip down memory lane across Middle-earth and a frame at the end.
Little 120 quest hubs
The vales of Anduin Black book flows mostly across the Anduin and skips out the quest hubs along the way. Get to know some elves and pigs in Duskenvale or visit fights of goblins from their mountain hold of Goblintown in the wolf-denes. Or get some sushi in Kidzul kaah and the Gladdenmeres. Wait a bit before going to Minas Morgul.
Have we already forgotten Minas Morgul?
You’ve made it this far so we might as well go over everything. Dont forget the Kolos emblems strewn across the Morgul Vale https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Quest:Kolos_Holm for a throwback to Ost Dunhoth. Or venture with Gandalf to Thuringwraith to find the misty fortress of Bar Nirnath.
Or even finish off of the tiers of Minas Morgul itself. You’d be amazed how many people forget to do these parts.