Mordor 21.2: A brief look through the notes


Welcome to the open beta. (In case you didn’t notice that Bullroarer is an alpha test server). Let’s see what is going on in the Update 21.2.


Twenty new repeatable daily quests are now available! Find these new quests by speaking with the Expedition Organizers in each of the Allegiance halls (Vórthi, Tancram, Glórellas, or Aster Hayward.)

Oh, well, I guess repetition of the current daily quests wasn’t enough, so we needed also daily requests. Without a deed on BR, we will see if something changed there.

A new Main Menu item has been created to allow players to filter out sounds, quests, and items, either for the current player, or for your entire account! If you’ve got something you never want to see, hear or get again, you can access the Filter panel by pressing Alt+R (by default). To remove any filter, drag the item, quest, or sound off of the filtered list.

 Loot: To add an item to your loot filter, drag it from your inventory to the filtered list, or press the button in pending loot. Anything added to the Loot filtered list will not be awarded to you again. For Master Looter, the Master Looter will see an assignment dialog for items meeting the quality rating of the fellowship rule, even if the item is filtered. For Need/Greed/Pass, only players who do not have an item filtered will see the dialog option for items meeting the quality rating of the fellowship rule. For filtered items, players will not see the Need/Greed/Pass dialog, and the response will automatically default to Pass when the timeout for the response expires.
Quests: Filter a quest by clicking the filter or account filter button at the bottom left of the bestowal dialog or quest log. Quests you have filtered will no longer attempt to auto-bestow, no longer appear as quest rings on the Mini-Map radar, and no longer appear as a quest ring on NPC or mob heads. Quests that cannot be abandoned cannot be filtered.
Sounds: To filter a sound, go to a place or situation in-game where the sound is heard, click the Record button to see a list of all sounds currently playing, then drag the sound to the character or account filtered list. Sounds you have filtered will no longer plays as audio in your game client.

Finally a useful feature in this game. We wrote more about filters here. Looking forward to checking if they removed the item number cap in the list and if we can see all the audio files now.

Experience the new “Frightful Tales to Curl the Hair On Your Toes” at the Harvestmath Festival this year.

Can’t wait to try out the filters.

Talath Urui – Shackles have been excavated from the rubble, and can now be reached for the quest “Breaking the Chains”.
Talath Urui – The hiding spot should now be more obvious in the quest instance “Borangos the Horror”.
Gorgoroth Resource Dungeons – Allegiance bonus quests no longer go away after completing an Allegiance. If you have already completed one or more Allegiances, the bonus quests will return for you.
Gorgoroth Resource Dungeons – Barad-dur: Lore of the Past no longer has an Ancient Tome hidden in rubble. Barad-dur: Gathering Relics no longer has a relic hiding in a wall.
Gorgoroth Resource Dungeons – Durthang: Gathering Relics Durthang is no longer missing a Relic.
Gorgoroth Resource Instances: The following deeds are now available: Resources of Gorgoroth, Gathering of Resources, Gathering of Resources (Intermediate), Gathering of Resources (Advanced).
The Tales of Gorgoroth Deed is now visible in your Deed Log as soon when at least one objective has been completed.
Some actors in the Udun region now have the correct species or race listed.
Some minor typos in the Elf Allegiance storyline have been corrected.
Players who currently have the Court of Lothlorien Allegiance quest underway will now find Glorfindel in Rivendell if an older quest that requires him is not yet completed. If the character is not in the middle of an uncompleted older quest, then Glorfindel will continue to phase out of the area.

Only took a hotfix, a patch and 2 updates.

There is a new Allegiance Weekly in the rotation for completing the 3 person and 6 person instances.

Oh, great. So a bugged cluster” of instances will now be a requirement for a weekly quest that probably not every class will be suited for. Great job, SSG.

There is a new Lost Lore for the three and six person instances.

They didn’t have the 5000 allegiance point relic in the BR build, we will see how that goes in the beta today.

Wildermore Endgame – All quests are now available as choices all the time.
The Battle of Ost Celebrant – Follower Doran will bestow all of the quests immediately when you enter Ost Celebrant
Evendim – Farmer’s Bane – The wolf is now always available to advance the quest.
Summer Festival – It is now easier to target and attack the Heat Wave mobs for the quest “Defeat the Heat”.
Baggins Birthday – All of the story quests will now be continuously available during the event.

Very important for the instance update. Class balance isn’t really an issue. *Takes the blue pill* (No, not that one.)

There is a new tier of crafting available. New recipes are available from the Quartermaster – Gorgoroth Crafting Vendor. These recipes require a special ingredient only found in the Instances. This item may be freely traded.

Didn’t spend much time on crafting in BR, but I think that ‘tier’ is a bit confusing, as it’s still Doomfold. But I’ll bet you anything that instance only items also drop from lootboxes.

When running the Pelennor Instances: Blood of the Black Serpent, The Quays of the Harlond, and The Silent Street, at level 115, you can now receive equipment that scales up to Item Level 315.

Still don’t know if there’s a 315 hilt and what it would give. LoE?

Crafting – Doomfold Healing, Milkthistle, Conhuith, and Lhinestad Draughts now remove negative effects up to a maximum strength of level 120.
Crafting – Captain Crest and Warden Carving recipes may be executed with Universal Ingredient Packs.
Crafting – Food produced from Doomfold Cooking now has a stack size up to 100.
Crafting – Woodworkers are now able to craft Strong Boards of Doomfold Wood, Weaponsmiths are now able to craft Quality Doomfold Ingots, and Tailors are now able to craft Well-treated Doomfold Leather.
Crafting – Doomfold Jewellery recipes now only require 1 Refined Black Adamant instead of three.
The Doomfold tier Woodworker recipe Superior Bow of the Doomfold no longer creates hammers, and the Superior Hammer of the Doomfold no longer creates bows.
The Empowered Shadow Essence Box is now unbound so that it can be traded or sold.

Still no essences for scholar or cook and no scaling up of Doomfold crafted class items.

Allegiances – Daily repeatable, weekly repeatable, and Resource Instances in Mordor now give a new type of Allegiance Point item. The value of allegiance points from these sources results in the same point grant, but the new AP items can be used to barter for a new tier of Allegiance Gear.
Allegiance point granting items now stack to 100.

And they kept the relic that you use for Allegiance level up to use for bartering and basically given up on Tokens of Service at the same barterer. So much for the feedback.

Allegiance Cloaks no longer have an armour class requirement to use, and can be used by any class.

Still didn’t get an explanation to what is a heavy cloak. Made of chain mail?

Gorgoroth Steel-bound Loot Boxes now provide item level 330 gear commensurate with the new instance spaces.

Most likely not true and is meant that the new lowest level is 330, since we already had items up to 333 that we know of, just the minimum level was 326. We will probably get a message that this is either a bug or the items can be obtained somewhere else. But then again…

Gorgoroth Steel-bound Loot Boxes now offer an assortment of new Mordor-themed pets, and a set of cosmetic weapons.

Interesting… Wonder if they used the beacon feedback to add Viznak in. The barterer had pets in shape of different crawlers, snakes and salamanders. Hopefully these are somewhat different.

To see the complete list of the changes, you can visit the forums.


Update 20 beta 2: recent changes, cosmetics and pets

A second beta version is out on Bullroarer now and we have received some changes based on player feedback on the forums. Some positive, some a little bit less, depending on the player.

The changes since U20 Beta 1


Notable Changes Since U20 Beta 1:

Minor adjustment to Chat UI so that text doesn’t get cut-off at the bottom.
In response to feedback, the Mark/Medallion cost increase of the Small Reputation Acceleration Tome has been reduced somewhat.
In response to feedback, Imbued legacy tiers will no longer increase with U20. Please note that if you unlocked all imbued legacy tiers in U20 Beta #1, you might note some oddities on your Bullroarer character. Please equip a new legendary item if you encounter difficulty.
Guardian Follow Through now increases Shield-Smash targets to 8 when fully traited. Follow Through increases Shield-Smash targets by +2 at rank 1, +2 more at rank 2, and +3 more at rank 3.

On two of these people still have different opinions. One is that the cost of reputation accelerators should be decreased even more, since it is still only making it harder for those lower level players who do not have that big influx of marks and medalions – and that is only IF they are playing group content. The other one is removing the legacy level increase. Obviously, the LIs are meant to grow with us and we did not grow… in level. But I would still say that we did grow in experience since the last time we increased the tiers… Pelennor, North Ithilien, Throne of the Dread Terror and now the Wastes. In a way we did grow and I wouldn’t mind 5 additional level per legacy added. I guess one of the reasons they are there is so we actually have a feeling that we are growing and leveling in some way since the leveling of our characters is locked behind much more coding than just using a scroll and being done with it, otherwise we would level more often too.

Also changed is the will cloak. Hopefully due to it not just being a placeholder in the previous build, but also listening to the player feedback, like they did with reputation tomes and legacies. Now the cloak gives critical rating and has the stats tilted more towards a dps role. It also has the cloak graphic too now.

The cloak cosmetic is a hooded version with a worn out, torn look.

More cosmetics

This update has also introduced more cosmetic items. Some are from the flower barterers and some are from the new reputation vendors. We have four shields and two greatswords and two new floral items with a North Ithilien theme. I do not have the swords here as they do not fit in view and didn’t want to only show hilts, but cosmetic is actually really nice.

Other than those, there are three new pets in the area – three new dogs. One is from the beginning of the new quest line and two others are bartered for.

The pocket item has also received its own graphic instead of the placeholder from the previous build.


Dagorlad nodes

The new Dagorlad nodes are not the “real” crafting tier or something similar, this is an upgrade to the Anorien tier and they do not contain materials such as Anorien ore, but other crafting, barter and critical items needed for the new area. So, adding to the previous article about what to do, you should also pick up these items for later.

When asking Cordovan on his stream about making Dagorlad nodes a quest item, instead of a landscape node I received an answer that they do not plan to change this. I am not entirely sure that he understood I meant the crafting instance nodes, especially fellowship ones. Like I wrote here before, your fellowship member could run out of a fight or just be faster than you and pick up the node and you would get nothing. Which certainly isn’t appealing to anyone.

In case the barter items do not change, and give that the level isn’t changing I doubt the barter items will either, you may want to keep some of these for getting the reputation with The Host of the West done faster. Even if you don’t collect any before, two runs of Warg Pens will give you enough for 10 tasks worth.


Critters casual – All things Hobnanigans and chicken pets


Besides being one of the hardest words in the lotro vocabulary to repeat a few times when you’re doing your standard dwarf weekend activities. It’s also the name of the whack-your-chicken festival that for the better part of the last few years is held on the first weekend of the month.

Besides certain quests its also your main source for chickens as a freep. This critters casual will focus on the game itself and the barterable rewards. Mostly focussing on the cosmetic pet, the source of George, chickens.

The game

During a 10 minute game two teams of either 3 or 6 will use a golf like stick to hit a chicken in a direction. If that direction is the opposing teams goal you will score a point. The team with the most points after 10 will get 15 barter tokens per person and the other team 5.

The players gets 3 kind of skills with different strength and cooldowns. Use the shortest skill to “interrupt” an opponents harder, but longer cd/induction to make him waste his cooldowns. You will also get a short stun and a speedboost skill. The correct timing and direction of your skills be your main source of tactic and advantage. But a 10 minute game is long and hard to keep focused with your whole team.

History of the game

Back in the First age of lotro in 2007 there was a summer solstice festival (Summer festival to most) that had the first party where you got to hit your chicken in the enemies goal. It was buggy, horrible and quickly discontinued. In 2014 the game got a revamp and was launched in the state its still being run monthly to this date.

Hobnanigans league

In may of 2016 there was the first Hobnanigans 3 vs 3 league held. On the 4th of June they will hold their 2nd event. Grab your 2 friends or sign up for a free for all group and compete for the honour and glory. They are also open to expanding the event to other servers. For contact, website and to sign up check the below central topic on the lotro forums.

Barter rewards

The game itself has a staggering amount of barterable rewards. A lot of the standard festival stuff like emotes, housing objects, consumables and pets. But most are obviously chicken related. Even the cosmetic pets are fully chicken related. All the rewards come in different tiers of chicken. The weirder the chicken, the pricier the tier. Plenty of eggscelent stuff. Just make sure you look if its a consumable item or permant one.

For a full list and pictures of the different barter ill refer you to this wiki page

The chickens themselves

There are 6 different chickens to play with. With a common, rare token or barter coins, that can be won through the games, you can get them from the barter NPC during the festival. If you’ve done the Chicken session play quests in sandson farm. You’re familiar with quite a few of them. George and companions are quite the (same) lookers as the cosmetic pets. Can’t get enough of them, but got to craft or quest on boring character. Get yourself a chicken cosmetic pet. Either by winning the barter currencies or for a hefty price in the chicken exchange options for gold.

The white chicken (token) is fairly common. The red chicken is spotted for trade a bit less, but the other 4 quite rare. They are the Orange Wyandotte, blackfoot, scrapper and a dorking chicken. 5 out of the 6 chickens and their animations can be seen in the video below. A better quality and with the missing chicken will be available on a late time.

The next paragraphs will focus on the shadowy side of the chicken barter game. The grind it involves and way people avoid the grind through brute force. Either with copious amount of gold or other means.

Is it fun?

The game itself is a really fun activity for a kin event. You can play versus other kin mates or hope you can get a few people that wont go afk. Most of the game will be done in the 3 vs 3 mode. The 6 vs 6 are a complete mess. Think of your junior football brother all going for the ball at the same time. The game itself has a surprising amount of strategy to it when you can get the right devotion and people at the same time.

Outside of pre-made groups or set times its hard to get a good game going. Given the long games, 6 player starter requirement and the ridiculous amount of games needed for the special rewards it attracts a few less active players. They are in it for the completionist or gold.

Chicken tiers (barter prices)

Gilmore shrewmouse on bingos Coin floor
Gilmore shrewmouse on bingos Coin floor


Your most basic white chicken is your standard gym membership or 1 door sedan. Its simple, it does the job and is pretty cheap. For 150 tokens you can get your own chicken pet. After that it goes up quickly to the red chicken (George) at 720. After that it quickly becomes a real grind at 1440, 1800 and 2160 tokens. These are for your non-consumable chicken pets that will stay with you or till you trade them away. Housing items, emotes and cosmetics are far cheaper. But the ratios remain for anything involving the chicken tiers.


The higher tiers are far too high for any normal process to acquire. A single pet can take you around 30 hours of 10 minute games where you win/lose 50%. Pets are fun, but a housing item that only a few people will see for that time. You might as well start raiding.

Chicken barter economy

The blessing and curse in this game, the tokens are tradable. Or as most will go able to be sold for gold. Just a hand full of players on a server will have the means in time, gold or desire to get a single pet. Let alone all. Tokens go from 0,8 to 2 gold per piece (on Evernight). Making the higher chickens or tokens a real gold mine. Most of these tokens are gained by a few persons multiboxing

Multiboxing is the act of running multiple lotro clients on the same system through different f2p accounts. With additional software you could have those clients follow your main character around. For example while he does deeds in the shire for turbine points. To get them 2-3-4 times as fast as normal. Those same tricks can be used to run your own 3 vs 3 games by yourself. That would be 45 win and 15 tokens from the lost characters.

These people can be considered the goldsellers of chickens. It’s a grey area. Turbine has stated that multiboxing itself isn’t illegal, but it certainly is frowned upon by a part of the community. But if you want to remain your sanity there is hardly a way to avoid them if you want to get 8000 tokens for all pets.

Personal barter story.

The chickens were by far the longest and hardest pets to get “cheaply”. My tokens were gotten during 6 months. Sniping small amount of tokens on the ah of people that didn’t use them. Or by people offloading larger amount of tokens that were looking for quick cash.

Nearly all my tokens were traded for with gold I made through converting my marks, stars of merits and high rank tomes from Big battles optimally to gold. But that’s for another guide another time.

Don’t buy during the festival when everyone is looking for them. Sunday night or the Monday after the festival are great times to find bargains. Impatient people looking to sell a few thousands tokens or ah bids that were set too low, but with a high buyout. A single trade involved 3500 tokens of a person selling 1000 on /world. Contact the person and haggle a bit. Bulk, Bulk and Bulk. They will be equally glad to offload such a large amount in a single trade. Don’t spend 2 gold a piece if you need 5000 of them.

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