Mordor: The deed mount


Since you’re probably used to my longer articles by now I didn’t want to post only a picture of the Meta deed mount and be done with it, so I waited a little bit for the first patch to go live. Must have something to complain about. 🙂

Before I start the complaining, let’s see this mount I speak of.


I was very surprised by the mount. At first disappointed, but later got used to it and learned to like it. For a moment when I received it I wrote a ticket because I didn’t get the gear to equip on my war steed. But the “gear” was there. All the gear is actually a hide. There is no gear on it, it’s just a mutated Agarnaith horse, hence the name The rescued steed of Agarnaith. I ride it now in both versions, war steed and regular mount and I named mine Groot.


The patch notes you can read here.

Probably one of the best changes is the cooldown on a travel skill to Allegiance halls, which I spoke about in the last article. The issue was that one quest could take you several hours if you didn’t have hurried traveler bought. The skills have now been renamed and their cooldown is on 5 minutes.

Did I find something to complain about? Well, of course I did.

While fixing one of the daily quests it seems like one in Lhingris has been broken – Trapping the trackers. It remains to be seen after I pick it up again will it be working and was there something that required for it to be picked up again. But while I was able to do it the day before (I didn’t finish it), when I went back after the patch I wasn’t able to do anything to advance the quest.

Some things getting broken in the process everyone should be able to understand. It’s an expansion and there will be some fixes in shorter intervals than usual. But what I do mind is that SSG has never stopped rolling out some hidden changes to the game. Some are more important, some less. But I think we should be made aware of them at least and not play explorers, detectives or what not. In the past floors have been changed, the spider queen in Big Battle Glittering caves was moved a little bit back to not aggro with its adds, in Defence of Minas Tirith the first spawn of soldiers that attack was moved by several seconds, in the Wastes a ramp was added in one of the crafting instaces so that we can go back to start if needed, and one of those hidden ones for now is that the crafted item that was giving you Allegiance Points has been changed to not give 2000, but 1000 AP.

I want to remind you once again that you can finish the introduction to all the Allegiances, it doesn’t have to be just one. If you do this, once you open the crafting instances the optional quests for each allegiance become available. With these you will be able to earn 2000 AP untill you finish the chapter 7 of the Allegiance. Once you finish chapter 7 the quest for that Allegiance becomes unavailable. So, if you hold back of getting that cloak, you can earn more AP and finish the other 3 Allegiances faster or you can earn 2000 fewer points with each chapter 7 you finish. I still didn’t hear back from MoL if this is intended or just a glitch in the matrix.

There is a small complaint I have about the access to Allegiances and crafting dailies. To do this you need to do all of the content, which is no small feat when we’re talking about an expansion with 5 regions. You need to finish the Epic Book, which is a small feat, so I guess those two cancel each other out. And then you need to finish the Black Book of Mordor. This looks very similar to Minas Tirith deeds for trait points and very unfriendly for people with alts who would like to do the instances eventually.

The lava AoE reach in Anglach has been reduced, but the same effect while questing in Dor Amarth remains. We will be taking damage on at least 3 obsidian nodes. They may have tought that in Udun we still do not have enough morale, but by the time we get here we should be able to live through it? I don’t mind it, just not sure if it’s intended.

One of the signs we are supposed to find isn’t really in the marked quest area, so you may want to be aware of that too.


And this item has also been fixed.

























Another bad news for Beornings. The might cloak is heavy armour.


Scheduled Server Downtime: Monday, March 30th


LOTRO Community Manager, Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo, posted a notice on the forums for upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, March 30th from 8:00AM – 12:00PM Eastern (-5 GMT) for Update 15.3. Patch notes will be available during the downtime. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!

This is expected to be the much-anticipated patch for the music system.

Update 15.1.2 Hotfix Notes

The patch notes for today’s hotfix are now available on the forums

It’s pretty much we all thought it would be.


We have fixed and exploit which was allowing players to become more powerful than we intended.

I think this will be the most debated

  • We have placed level restrictions on the following reputation items. Players now must be at least the level listed next to the item below in order to gain reputation from the item. We will of course monitor the feedback on the levels of these items and make any needed adjustments.

    Gift Mathoms-8
    Pilfered Arnorian Coin-20
    Stolen Arnorian Heirloom-20
    Orc Battle-medallion-30
    Orc Campaign-medallion-30
    War-master’s Lash-30
    Tomb-raider’s Sash-30
    Black Badge-30
    Band of Númenór-30
    Signet of Rhudaur-35
    Goblin-town Tabard-35
    Elvish Relic-35
    Well-kept Mathom-35
    Dourhand Crest-35
    First Age Relic-35
    Bone Amulet-40
    Wicked Dagger-40
    War Dispatch-40
    Lossoth Spear-head-40
    Gauradan Claw-40
    Lossoth Luistin-40
    Broken Engraving-45
    Cracked Etching-45
    Green Crystal Lamp Fragment-45
    Durin Figurine-45
    Uncut Moria-adamant-45
    Worn Dwarf Carving-45
    Cracked Dwarf Tablet-45
    Purple Crystal Lamp Fragment-45
    Durin’s Emblem-45
    Fractured Ruby-45
    Dol Amroth – Bank Token-90
    Dol Amroth – Docks Token-90
    Dol Amroth – Armoury Token-90
    Dol Amroth – Great Hall Token-90
    Dol Amroth – Library Token-90
    Dol Amroth – Mason Token-90
    Dol Amroth – Warehouse Token-90
    Dol Amroth – Swan-knight Token-90
    Ornamental Skull-90
    Weathered Gondorian Relic-90
    Pristine Wood-carving-90
    Coast-raider’s Sash-90
    Jewel-encrusted Scimitar-90
    Unblemished Swan Statue-90
    Bone Carving-90
    Gold-studded Staff-90
    Worn Medallion of Castamir-90


So what do yo think of the Reputation changes?