Critters Journey [31] Secret squirrel agents and shifty white wizards

Oliver MTAs Oliver approaches Minas Tirith he’s halted at the gates. Not being able to show any password or reference he’s having trouble getting in. That is until some familiar faces show up. He has no idea who they are. But they sure seem interested in him.

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Critters Journey [30] Catch, tickle and release

Oliver 5After running into Dunham again. Oliver began thinking of excuses, but it seems the guy is still oblivious to Olivers plans. He even says he found a friend that wanted to meet Oliver. Does curiousity kill the cat?

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Critters Journey [29] Dunham of the Dunham, the dunhammiest smuggler

Oliver 4Seems the squirrel has overstated the ease as to which the Rohirrim trust outsiders. These guards have the place locked up tight. What is happening across the river that needs this kind of security? That is until he comes across Dunham. Dunham has lagged behind, but a Dunham might just be what Oliver needs.

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Critters Journey [28] My friend, I bow for no man

Oliver 3A long time had passed since Oliver came into Aldburg. The long talks he had with his friend had been weighing heavily on his mind. After wandering into the inn he found his little water bowl empty. Might as well try these red waters the humans seem to like. The red wine wasn’t the only red trouble he would run into that day.

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