Update 15.3 Release Notes

The release notes for Update 15.3 are available on the forums. As expected, this update has addressed the music system, but there were some other fixes included as well. Two of the more significant changes that caught my eye were the following:

  • The OSX Launcher will no longer download all the splash screens every time you start it. It does make an HTTP request for each splash screen to see if you have the most recent one on disk each time.
  • Morskor in Barad Guldur will no longer become invisible every time he takes flight.


Scheduled Server Downtime: Monday, March 30th


LOTRO Community Manager, Andy “Frelorn” Cataldo, posted a notice on the forums for upcoming server downtime:

The LOTRO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, March 30th from 8:00AM – 12:00PM Eastern (-5 GMT) for Update 15.3. Patch notes will be available during the downtime. Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you back in the game soon!

This is expected to be the much-anticipated patch for the music system.

Music System Delayed Again

Executive Producer Vyvyanne posted today about the Music System and it might not be good news or is it?

“Based on the dropped notes and the need to get 15.2 out to correct other issues currently on Live, we have pulled the music changes from the build, so they will not be pushed to Live with 15.2. We will continue to look into the dropped notes problem and aim to have the music improvements out with U16.”
On one hand, it’s good they are trying to get “it right” and they are concentrating on other issues for the next update.
What do you think of the delay to the music system again?