The Music Of DDO/LOTRO Crossover Special With DDO Players News

This is a very special episode of the podcast this week! We have the very first crossover with our sister site LOTRO Players News!

Drac is joined by LOTRO Players News Hosts Pineleaf (Also of DDO Players) and Teriadwyn we have a chat with several members of the Standing Stone Games Team

  • Community Manager Cordovan
    Bill Champagne LOTRO Lead QA (Darth Celtics)/LOTRO/DDO Music Composer
    Artemist Content Designer/Music Composer

We cover a wide range of music topics, form LOTRO to DDO we also spend the last part of the show talking about the new DDO Raid “The Dryad and the Demigod” and how music plays a major part in the raid!

  • LOTRO music talk starts about 15:00 minute mark
  • DDO music talk starts about 27:15 minute mark
  • DDO Raid talk starts about 40:15 minute mark




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Deseret News Interviews Chance Thomas


Yesterday January 3rd would have been Tolkien’s 126th birthday, to mark this Deseret News had a wonderful interview with Chance Thomas about all his work making the wonderful music of LOTRO.



“Everybody is familiar with the Peter Jackson films and the music from those films, I’m the other Lord of the Rings composer.”

They talked about the 10th-anniversary soundtrack a bit

“First of all, I went to the songs that the players seemed to love the most, they had to be on there, And then I wanted to tell a story. I wanted the music to take you on this epic adventure. … So as I put the music together, it was designed to give you a journey of imagination through Middle-earth.”


And ended up talking about the Ever On song that everyone loves

“I took that poem and that phrase, ‘Ever on,’ and I made a folky/pop song out of it to commemorate 10 years of this game going on and on and on, In the books, the story sort of ends at Mordor … but the approach that Lord of the Rings Online has taken is that, ‘No, the story goes ever on and on.’”

You can read the full interview over at the Deseret News website


A tip of the hat to Trotter for the heads up on this!

LOTRO Mordor Soundtrack On The Way


Over on Chance Thomas facebook page, he announced that the soundtrack to Mordor will soon be releasing, we don’t have many details yet, other than the release date will be Nov 1st


In a comment, he was asked if there would be a physical cd release, ala the 10th-anniversary soundtrack and he replied with


Not sure about a CD package yet. They supported it for the 10th anniversary since it was sort of a collector’s item. We’ll have to see what kind of traction the Mordor soundtrack gets when it’s released. If it does well, they’ll probably spring for a CD package!

Nobody Tosses a Dwarf who’s in our Band! Join us!

Could this be you?
Could this be you?

“We don’t eat Elvish lembas in the mountains
We don’t drink miruvor, and never tea
We don’t live on mushrooms like those hobbits
We like livin’ right, and bein’ free.”

Yes, that’s us – THE ROLLING KEGS, Laurelin’s all-singing, all-dancing, all-Dwarven band, full of ale and ready to roll. Double runner-up winners at last year’s Weatherstock, and entered again for this year, The Kegs have a long history of musical experience to draw on: our band leader, Kandral Strongbeard, was one of the founding members way back in 2011.

Rehearsals are democratic – no one Dwarf dictates what we will perform, or how it will be arranged. We make songs of all kinds, from lore-faithful Dwarven anthems and battle songs, through events that deal with all the races of Middle Earth, to the frivolous and even ridiculous. A troll who loved ballet? We’ve got it. Haradrim turned into cottage cheese? No problem. Our band is forged in the fires of friendship and humour, always.

And now for the exciting part! This band, renowned for the quality of its music and original lyrics, is recruiting. If you’re a Dwarf who loves making music, and perhaps even has songs and lyrics of your own that you’d like the world to enjoy, we’d love to hear from you. Be one of The Rolling Kegs!

~From every hall we came and flocked to you~
~You say: a willing heart is all I ask of you~
~Dwarves like us don’t need to make a fuss~
~Just give them a chance, for they are one of us~

Please contact us at

LOTRO Music to be Performed by Utah Symphony

Long time LOTRO music composer Chance Thomas has announced on his Facebook page that his piece Theme for Rohan will be performed by the Utah Symphony on September 6 as a part of their Video Games Live concert series. Mr. Thomas has been asked to guest-conduct the piece. Theme for Rohan was released as a part of the Riders of Rohan expansion pack and can currently be heard in the Rohan regions within the game. Mr. Thomas includes further detail within his Facebook post:

I am happy to announce the symphonic premiere of my original composition, THEME FOR ROHAN, to be performed by the Utah Symphony on September 6, 2014 at Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake City. They have invited me to guest conduct at the concert. Tickets are already going fast! Click the image below for ticket information.

THEME FOR ROHAN will be showcased as part of the Utah Symphony’s Video Games Live concert series. Video Games Live offers terrific family-friendly entertainment bursting at the seams with lazer lights, popular video game footage on a massive screen, good humor, excitement and of course, lots of beautiful music.

In a related note, during today’s executive producers live stream, Sapience and Rowan were asked if Chance Thomas would again be contributing music to LOTRO in the future. While no commitments were made, both Sapience and Rowan indicated that they have been in recent communication with Mr. Thomas. Hopefully we’ll be treated to more Chance Thomas classics in the near future!

Braxwolf Stormchaser