Exploring Mordor can drive you mad.
Chapter 2, Part 2 – Madness in Mordor
From the east there came
A clatter that told
That Rhogrin went mad
In a raging fury.
We found our friend
Near a fetid pit
Where Barad Dûr’s
Basement Gaped.
We knocked some sense
And soothed his mind
Then Rhogrin left
Rotten Mordor.
Thus Covadil learned
That the land’s too dark
To stay and study
The stinking realm.
We returned to the gate
Where Gandalf reported
That a messenger came
From the Mouth of Sauron.
Dulgabêth had a deal
To divide the realms
So that the Mouth would rule
In Mordor alone.
Aragorn refused
The false promises
For Mordor was marked with disunion.
Let the foul forces
Fight each other
For we are weary of war.
Next, we will head deeper into the Black Land.
Pineleaf Needles