Poems of the Pine: Madness in Mordor

Exploring Mordor can drive you mad.


Chapter 2, Part 2 – Madness in Mordor

From the east there came
A clatter that told
That Rhogrin went mad
In a raging fury.
We found our friend
Near a fetid pit
Where Barad Dûr’s
Basement Gaped.

We knocked some sense
And soothed his mind
Then Rhogrin left
Rotten Mordor.
Thus Covadil learned
That the land’s too dark
To stay and study
The stinking realm.

We returned to the gate
Where Gandalf reported
That a messenger came
From the Mouth of Sauron.
Dulgabêth had a deal
To divide the realms
So that the Mouth would rule
In Mordor alone.

Aragorn refused
The false promises
For Mordor was marked with disunion.
Let the foul forces
Fight each other
For we are weary of war.

Next, we will head deeper into the Black Land.

Pineleaf Needles

Critters Journey [65] Volcanos and smoke signals mix too well

As the fellowship makes it way back from Saurons home theater room they encounter a contingent of dwarves. Deciding to shadow them into an abyss staying in the twilight thrown by the cracks in the lava flows beneath them. Gimlis voice quavers when he hears murmurs of delving and the sound of pick axes hitting the basalt rocks. We’ve found it!, followed by a large thump squashing the now silent dwarf. The critters awe at the sight of this massive pile of scales and teeth. The company set its mind of running and with the speed of a KFC chicken George and co bobbed and weaved the now collapsing cisterns.Did you know chickens are descendant of dragons George proclaimed as they reached a less then stellar remnant of the causeway to Orodruin. Not now George we’ve to get out of this place.

Critters Journey [64] Dwarfs chickening out

The fellowship makes it way across the barrens wastes of Dor Amarth to the closest known vault. The ruins of Barad dur lost much of its grandeur, but the causeway has been retaken by sentries of the enemy. The enemy might have come closer to the fellowship then they might even think they know.


Critters Journey [63] To vault into Mordor

Last time we left our friends at the festivities after the battle of Critter Tirith, but forces have begun to stir again. Months have passed since the defeat of Sauron, but not all evil has put their weapons and claws down. Groups of Elves, humans, dwarfs and hobbits have aligned themself to explore the unbeknownst lands of Gorgoroth. But after the uncovering of the Mordor vaults by the Norbog news crew. A new fellowship of the clucks has been assembled to find this new source of unrest that threatens these poor critters.

Elrond as acting captain of the Wold Wildlife foundation has asked Middle-earth resident expert on critters to assemble a well-prepared team to take on this arduous task.