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Tag: minas morgul
Minas Ithil once Tower of the Moon
Fair Minas Ithil, Tower of the Moon,
Once beautiful as paradise. Yet soon
It fell to evil when the Nazgûl came
To seize its citadel with sword and flame
To take it for themselves. Then what a change
The Nazgûl worked to malform and derange
Minas Ithil to purposes as fell
And evil as the minds now come to dwell
Within it. Minas Ithil was renamed
To Minas Morgul. What was fair is shamed
And warped to vile usage as the power
Of sorceries corrupt the ancient tower
Into its present state. A nameless fear
Falls upon all who dare to venture near
The city where the Nazgûl roam at night
To slay or capture passing elf or wight
For blood-sport, to interrogate, torment
Within dark prisons where, with bodies pent
In dungeons dark they die in agony.
So thus did Minas Morgul come to be.
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