This morning, Turbine named the 19 servers that would be closing as part of the forthcoming server consolidation. Evernight was one of only five European servers selected to stay online.
On behalf of the players of Evernight, I would personally like to extend an invitation to any EU players on a sunsetting server to come and join us.
Evernight is a melting pot of players. While it may have started off as a Codemasters operated European server, in 2011 Evernight was relocated to the US. As a result, the server is home to players from the across the world, including Europe, the US, and even Oceania. You can often witness different languages being spoken in World Chat, including from a few Russian players who joined when their servers closed. If you’re looking to meet new people from the other side of the globe, Evernight is the place for you!
Another thing to be aware of is that Evernight will soon be the only English-speaking EU server that won’t be bound by Turbines roleplaying rules.
Evernight hosts a variety of grouping opportunities. While Sambrog and Pelargir are current favourites, the multi-timezone nature of Evernight means that people are online at any time of the day, making it simple to group up when it suits you. The server is home to kinships big and small, with some of the most active including the Fellowship of the Guardians and Evernight’s Legends.
There is a fantastic community on Evernight, due in part to the Evernight Facebook Group, which allows players to discuss LOTRO and plan server-wide events. If you’re interested in coming over to Evernight, check out the group to see if the server feels would be a good fit for you.
Evernight is also lucky enough to be one of the few servers to have it’s own newspaper – the Evernight Report. Hannihr does a fantastic job engaging with the community and keeping up to date with news and events across the server.
Finally, Evernight has room to grow. The server’s music and PVMP communities are not quite as active on other servers, and there is certainly a market to be filled. If either of these aspects of the game interest you, Evernight would love to have you join us and bring some new energy to the server.
Is anyone considering making the move to Evernight, and if so, is there any questions you’d like answered about the server?