An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 22

Pashbo Proudfeet and Rubyrae are back with further poems, store news and other items.  This week, we hear of Balimpo’s adventures in Bindbole Woods whilst Pashlaf Wolfman also heads to the Shire to share his slayer deed locations.

We would love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, or want to plug a community event email us at

Check out for more videos.

An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 21

Poor ol’ Pashbo isn’t feeling too great this week, so he has kept things pretty brief.  But he has time for Pashrandir the poet to bring tidings of battle at Helms Deep, whilst Balimpo has an equally disturbing tale about lil Lilly from Stock.  Chumbly recites a few verse too, whilst Rubyrae brings us the store news.

Get well soon Pashbo!

We would love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, or want to plug a community event email us at

Check out for more videos.

LOTRO Store Sales 11/22/13 – 11/28/13

Free Sample Of The Week
Nov. 22nd – 28th
Sturdy Steel Key x1
Use Coupon Code LOOT6 1/Account
Select Cosmetics

30% Off
295 206
Cosmetics → Store Exclusive
Drac’s Take – Always good to see cosmetics on sale, if you into that kind of thing 🙂
Shared Wardrobe

30% Off
595 416
Account → Account Storage
Drac’s Take – If you have lots of Alt’s and you love your Cosmetic Outfits, this is a must have.
Cosmetic Outfit Slots

30% Off
495 346
Account → Cosmetic Outfit Slots
Drac’s Take – If you have lots of Alt’s and you love your Cosmetic Outfits, this is a must have.
Mounted Combat Trait Specs

30% Off
695 486
Mount & War-steeds → Trait Specs
Drac’s Take – If you really like to minmax your trait trees for you steed, buy these, if not I’d pass 🙂
War-steed Cosmetic Slots

30% Off
695 486
Account → Cosmetic Outfit Slots
Drac’s Take – If you love to match your warsteed to your cosmetic outfit, then here ya go! the more the slots to more outfits for you horse!
Limited Time!
Steed of the Jester is Back!
Nov. 22nd – Dec. 5th

What do you like most about the Update 16 beta?

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An Unexpected Vidcast – Episode 20

Pashbo and Rubyrae have kept the vidcast short this week, as everyone prepares for Helms Deep.  However they still manage to fit in four hobbit poems and let resident historian Pashkoi give a brief introduction to Eregion.  Plus the usual update on the LOTRO store.

We would love to include work from the LOTRO community within this vidcast.  If  you would like your LOTRO band to perform, would like us to include your own roleplaying video, send us a picture of your character with some text telling us what they have been up to, or want to plug a community event email us at

Check out for more videos.

LOTRO Store Sales 11/15/13 – 11/21/13

Lotro store sales this week are good for the hoarders in all of us, with storage on sale!
Rejuvenation Potion x5
Use Coupon Code REJ5Y 1/Account
Click here for the LOTRO Store Coupon Guide
Shared Storage

20% Off
595-995 476-796
Account → Account Storage
Vault Upgrades

20% Off
195-995 156-796
Character → Vault Storage
Inventory Bags

20% Off
995 796
Account → Account Storage
Currency Cap

20% Off
395 316
Account → Currency Cap

What level is your highest level character?

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