LOTRO Reporter Podcast Changes Lineup


LOTRO Reporter, one of the longest running and most well-established LOTRO podcasts, announced on Monday that they would be changing their hosts as a part of a larger re-alignment occuring at the MMO Reporter Network. The change will result in the departure of longtime host and LOTRO Reporter founder Chris, while Cari and Layanor will remain as tag-team co-hosts of the show.

We at LOTRO Players wanted to take this opportunity to thank Chris for everything he has done for the community, and wish him well on his other podcasts. Despite his busy life, Chris has always been very generous with his time, from public donations of podcast spots for the Fellowship Walk, to private advice given to aspiring podcasters and community members. For longtime listeners, Chris’ departure will definitely be noticed. Chris, we’ll see you in-game.

At the same time, we’d like to wish Cari and Layanor good luck as we look forward to seeing what kind of new slant they can put on their show!

Other changes to the network include the return of MMO Bill to take over as host of Too Long; Didn’t Listen and the discontinuation of the RIFT Reporter podcast.

Braxwolf Stormchaser