LOTRO Poems #19

Hail Friends! Hope you are all doing well. Spring is in the air, the sun is shinning bright, as winter comes to end and our paths lead us to Northern Mirkwood and Dale and to Erebor and it is finally time for the return of LOTRO Poems.

Casual Raiders recently celebrated their 4th year anniversary. Sometimes I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that a kinship I started 4 years ago has come to be one of Brandywines biggest kinships. Lately we have been having a go at the latest end game raid, Abyss of Mordath on tier 2 and it has been challenging and fun. Here’s to many more years of amazing times and beautiful memories with Casual Raiders! Cheers!

This poem is a continuation of “Estel” series of poems. When we last met Aragorn he was feeling hopeless in his pursuit of the Uruk-hai and the trail had led him into Fangorn. If you haven’t read the previous 9 parts, I highly encourage you to read them before this poem, Part 1, Part 2Part 3,  Part 4,  Part 5Part 6, Part 7Part 8, and Part 9. Here is “Estel” part 10. Enjoy!

Estel (part 10)

Into the deep woods we went, legolas could hear the trees speak,
A white light blinding us, we found someone we did not seek,

Out of darkness, out of time, from timeless halls, from world end,
Came Gandalf, clad in white, leader of our company, our old friend,

Together we rode to Meduseld, to meet the king, grim and hiding inside,
To free him from the grip of Saruman, to show him the light outside,

His son had died, but there was no time to weep,
The hammer stroke was ready to fall on Helm’s Deep,

We prepared for battle, young and able, old and sturdy, grabbed a sword, to protect and guard,
There was Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli along with Theoden, fighting day and night, fighting hard,

Then we made our last onslaught, and Gandalf came down the hill riding,
Bringing light and death to fleeing uruks, into the forest they went hiding,

But the forest had come alive,the hobbits did their magic,
The huorns woke and were furious, the uruks end was tragic,

The battle for Helm’s Deep was a victory, a win,
But the battle for Middle-earth was just about to begin.


Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. Feel free to let me know in comments. If you want to feature your poem on LOTRO Poems my email is legendraiderx@gmail.com.

My Twitter: @dgenxali.

My blog: dgenxali.wordpress.com.

My Kinship on Brandywine: Casual Raiders.

Be good and have a wonderful day, Namarie!



LOTRO Poems #17


Hail Friends! Guess who is back! Did you guys miss me? 

Life has been busy, with work and my Kinship and 3 million other hobbies, it was very hard to keep up with the weekly Tolkien inspired poetry. So many times I wanted to publish what little poetry I wrote but I just didnt want to publish something which wouldn’t have done justice to the Tolkienverse.

Casual Raiders recently celeberated their 3rd anniversary(You can check out the Video here). The kinship is standing tall and has become one of Brandywine’s largest kinship with active players from all around the globe. 

This poem is a continuation of “Estel” series of poems. Last time we met Aragorn, he was fighting the enemy along with Legolas and Gimli and Boromie died trying to save the hobbits. If you haven’t read the previous 8 parts, I highly encourage you to read them before this poem, Part 1, Part 2Part 3,  Part 4,  Part 5Part 6, Part 7, and Part 8.

Estel (part 9)

Merry and pippin were taken, Frodo and Sam were gone,
The fellowship broken, was there any point in going on?

Legolas, me and Gimli, we decided to carry on,
To rescue the hobbits from Isengard, from Saruman,

The fate of Frodo and Sam out of sight,
We followed the uruks day and night,

For days we ran in constant pursuit,
This tireless enemy. fearless and brute,

We came across the riders of Rohan, fair and tall in height,
Eomer of the mark, and his companions, who slew the uruks in night,

We asked them about the hobbits, the halflings,
They claimed to have seen none, we discussed some other things,

The hope once again tried to escape me, failure of Aragorn,
But my instinct told me to carry on the search, into fangorn.


Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this weeks LOTRO Poem. Feel free to let me know in comments. If you want to feature your poem on LOTRO Poems my email is legendraiderx@gmail.com.

My Twitter: @dgenxali.

My blog: dgenxali.wordpress.com.

My Kinship on Brandywine: Casual Raiders.

Be good and have a wonderful day, Namarie!