Did you ever want to know more about the characters from An Unexpected Vidcast? No??? Well you better not read this article any further!
Pashbo Proudfeet (Host)
Despite coming from a very respected family, as a young hobbit Pashbo always craved adventure, much to the annoyance of his neighbours. It was however not until well into his older years that he decided to fulfill his dreams of adventure. Leaving behind his daughter Rubyrae, and thereafter being shunned by his family, Pashbo set out to follow in the footsteps of his much beloved idol Frodo Baggins.
Rubyrae Proudfeet (Host)
Rubyrae daughter of Pashbo and Pashanor Proudfeet. Loves cooking and Farming and going on adventures. All of which traits hail from her dad Pashbo. One day she hopes to be as famous as him. Rubyrae has a secret crush on Pashkoi, and is devastated that his heart lies elsewhere.
Pashkoi Eyre (“Pashkoi’s Middle Earth”)
Pashkoi maintained his reputation from child to man equally for his might in battle and the beauty of his voice. He is ever eager to perform heroics, and relay both his own exploits and that of his fellow kin members to young and old via song. His heart is reserved for his elf friend Gwindalon, and for the history of Middle-Earth.
Pashili Copperbeard (“Come Drink with Me” and “Partying with”)
Pashili Copperbeard has a craving to cleave orc skulls, but enjoys his ale and gambling in equal measure, meaning that an inn is never far from any adventures that he undertakes. It was due to his love of the white frothy ale that it was claimed that his heir would not share his dark skin colour, but be born as white as the snow of Ered Luin. There was much mirth amongst the naugrim when his son Korili was born with fair skin, and many an ale was raised in his honour.
Pashanor Proudfeet (“Later at the Ivy Bush”)
Pashanor is the neglected wife of Pashbo Proudfeet, and mother of Rubyrae. She works in the Ivy Bush at Hobbiton, and does not share her husbands love of adventure. He is often prone to leave her unannounced to go travelling, much to her annoyance. Her main concern is that young Rubyrae shares her father’s love of questing.
Hesgarlaf Bard (“Horse-Master”)
Hesgarlaf was born in Dale and lived there until his teens, when he left to become an explorer. His explorations took him throughout Middle Earth, collecting metal, wood and hides. Each region he passed through, a new resource to collect. He joined a tailors guild and over time acquired kindred status. Hesgarlaf is now a mighty warrior, after having to learn to protect himself whilst travelling through the more formidable lands. Hesgarlaf now splits his time between: Fighting to protect Middle Earth; tailoring for fellow kin members; and the girl in his life who he loves dearly, Pashraen.
Pashrandir (“Pashrandir the Poet”)
Pashrandir became disillusioned by his home in Mirkwood, as the dark powers of Dol Guldur grew ever strong. He left, vowing not to return there again to settle until such time as it could return to the beauty of Greenwood the Great. A keen minstrel and poet, Pashrandir travels from town to town, earning the renown from the locals for his impromptu renditions of verse. He is most commonly found outside the Prancing Pony in Bree
And those the subject of poems and stories:
Pashehtar Aryon
Pashehtar’s parents were slaughtered by the Corsairs of Umbar whilst fishing in the Anduin near Cair Andros, whilst he was only days old. His mother hid the then unnamed child, moments before she was brutally slain. The abandoned boat was swept towards the lands of Lorien, where by a miracle the baby survived and was found by the elves of the golden wood. Always quiet and stern as he grew into a young man, the elves called him Quilde. But as he reached manhood, he was often to be found keeping the surrounding areas free from evil. He became a fearless warrior, and the elves renamed him Pashehtar. The love of his life is the elf Envinyata, and he never leaves her side.
Pashzaar Berry
No-one fully knows from where Pashzaar came from, including herself. It is said that she woke for the first time naked amongst the sands of Harad, as a fully grown woman. Confused and scared, she wondered the lands of the east until she was found and housed by the people of Dol Amroth. She dwelt there for some time, learning the speach of the people, their customs and manners. It was also at that time that she discovered that she possessed great powers and the ability to control nature, as if she was truly at one with the land. As she slowly began to nurture these powers, the people of Dol Amroth began to believe that she was infact one of the istari. Dressed in black, or sometimes wandering the lands dressed as a beggar, she travelled from region to region with her trusty blood-raven assisting the people of Middle Earth in their battles against the rising power in the east. Pashzaar is a woman of few words, but her expressions alone can tell many tales.
Pashwyl Calenard
Pashwyl rode out of Rohan with the intention of experiencing as many of the sights of Middle Earth as she could. She was however torn in this ambition, as her parents had always seen her as a captain of men, due to her kind but commanding nature. She found that she was often followed by an eager herald called Bert, who first glanced upon her beauty following a brief encounter whilst visiting the Shire. Whilst Bert is aware that the feeling of love is not mutual, he has vowed to protect her until the bitter end. Pashwyl enjoys his company, but only as a friend. She also likes the fact that he does everything that she says, regardless of the peril.
Following the murder of his lover Eowarlyn on the eve of their wedding, Pashkuil vowed to seek out and eradicate injustice whenever he should meet it. Becoming a recluse, he left Gondor, heading west and settling in the Chetwood. Here he robbed from the Blackwolds and other petty thieves, returning the coins to the poor. Whilst he knows that he will never truly be able to avenge Eowarlyn’s death as he knows not the killer’s name, he takes greater pleasure at his growing reputation as a cloaked avenger. From the shadows he comes, with his two blades held high.