Some of you may know that I’m a sucker for podcasts. I listen to several every week during my commute to/from work, and when running kids here and there on our never ending taxi saga. So, I’m always on the lookout for new podcasts to slide into the listening rotation. This week, I stumbled upon a brand new LOTRO podcast by Braag called Light the Beacons!
The show is structured into seven segments, each coinciding with one of the beacons of Gondor. Braag is an accomplished LOTRO player with many high-level alts and speaks about the game with authority and humor. I’ve really enjoyed the first two episodes, and would very highly recommend it to players and fans of the game. Like I said, I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I really think this one has the potential to have a lot of success within the LOTRO community. Keep it up, Braag! Looking forward to the next episode!
Light the Beacons! is available at or on itunes.