Submit Your Steed: Marshmellow

This is Marshmellow and his Rider, Kynta.

Character: Kynta (Hobbit Minstrel)
Server: Gladden
WarPony: Marshmellow (light steed)
Hide: Default, white coloring
Body: Light Caparison of the Norcrofts in Evendim Blue
Legs: Light Leggings of the Norcrofts in Evendim Blue

Died to match his rider’s traditional outfit (since lvl 10)

Submit Your Steed: The Wold Famous Ehefkae

This submission comes from Ehefkae of Eledilmir, otherwise known as Ketani at CSTM.

Head: Light Banded Leather Halter (lootbox drop)
Body: Light Caparison of the Norcrofts (quest reward)
Legs: Light Leggings of the Norcrofts (quest reward)
Hide: Spotted Warsteed (warband drop)
Saddle: Light Saddle of the Entwash (quest reward)
Gear: Torchbearer’s Accessory (lootbox drop)