Amazon’s Lord Of The Rings Series To Be Set In The Second Age


Amazon has been very tight lipped about there upcoming LOTR themed series, even going so far as locking writers in a room, with armed guards standing outside, I’m not kidding about that.

We finally got some small details about Amazon’s project based on The Lord of the Rings. One of the biggest question surrounding this series has been when in the history of Middle-earth it would be set. There were people that were hoping for the 1rst age, there were people that wanted the 2nd age, well, we know now which group is going to be happy. The 2nd age is coming.



The Second Age covers a time period of 3,441 years. During this time, Sauron forged the Ring Of Power, with the Second Age coming to an end following his defeat at the hands of the King of Gonder, Isildur.

This opens up a lot of stories for them to tell over the course of the series. Amazon also has a new website set up for the series, there is nothing there right now, but a nice map that you can explore.

Still no date for when we can watch this on Amazon Prime. But we will be sure to let you know!


Humble RPG Bundle: The Lord of the Rings by Cubicle 7



The One Ring Roleplaying Game™ is based on The Hobbit™ and The Lord of the Rings™ by J.R.R. Tolkien. In this bundle, get the core manual, maps, campaigns, setting supplements, and more!

 All together, these books would cost over $270. Pay what you want starting at $1 – Pay more, get more!

Included ebooks:

  • Bree
  • Bree Map
  • Erebor The Lonely Mountain
  • Erebor The Lonely Mountain Map
  • In the Heart of the Wild
  • Oaths of the Riddermark
  • Oaths of the Riddermark Map
  • Rivendell
  • Rivendell Maps
  • Ruins of the North
  • Ruins of the North Map
  • Tales from Wilderland
  • The Adventurers Companion
  • The Darkening of Mirkwood
  • The Horse-lords of Rohan
  • The Horse-lords of Rohan Map
  • The Loremaster’s Screen and Lake-town

These DRM-FREE books are available in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI, meaning you can read them anywhere at any time.


That’s a ton of book for a good price! Name your price! Head over HERE to take advantage of this bundle. But Hurry as of this posting you have 13 days left!


 “One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bundle them.”

*The link above is an AFFILIATE LINK. We will get a small percent of your sale, you can also tell what split that will be, how much will go to us and how much will go the American Cancer Society, which is our charity of choice. this is another way to help support the site!*

J.R.R. Tolkien’s Beren and Lúthien to be published in 2017


The mortal man and immortal elf are important figures in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-Earth mythology . Now, HarperCollins has announced plans to release Beren and Lúthien in 2017, 100 years after Tolkien first wrote it.


2nd December 1955:  British writer J R R Tolkien (1892 - 1973), enjoying a pipe in his study at Merton College, Oxford, where he is a Fellow. Original Publication: Picture Post - 8464 - Professor J R R Tolkien - unpub.  (Photo by Haywood Magee/Picture Post/Getty Images)


The Middle-earth tale tells of the love between the mortal man and the immortal elf. Lúthien’s father, an Elvish lord, is against their relationship, and so gives Beren an impossible task to fulfill before the two can be married.

Tolkien went back to the  story of Beren and Lúthien several times over the years.  In addition to the version that first appeared in the 12-volume The History of Middle-Earth series, the new book will feature passages from various different iterations alongside illustrations by Alan Lee.  Like all of Tolkien’s posthumous publications, Beren and Lúthien is edited by the author’s son Christopher Tolkien.

Beren and Lúthien, will be released on the 10th anniversary of the publication of The Children of Húrin.