Turbine, Middle-Earth Enterprises and the Tolkien Estate

Several months ago I did some research in preparation for a guest-host spot on a podcast in which I finally got my mind wrapped around the parties involved in the Intellectual Property licensing that goes on for LOTRO. Since then, I’ve heard the names of the parties mixed up on several different occasions, including a few times on LOTRO Players News. It’s an easy mistake to make and isn’t really that big of a deal, but can be confusing when you’re trying to understand who has the rights to what, and how that can affect the game.

In order to understand the current state of affairs, it’s helpful to first understand the history. Back in the beginning (the late 50’s and early 60’s), JRR Tolkien owned the rights to all of his works that he got through the bankruptcy services in NJ. However, near the end of his life (1969) he sold off some of the rights to United Artists, presumably with the idea that his books could be adapted to film or animation. His motivation seemed to be to make some money off of the property in order to cover any inheritance taxes that his children would be burdened with upon his demise. The remainder of the Intellectual Property remained with his estate – his family. Thus, JRR’s direct descendants are typically referred to as the “Tolkien Estate”.

United Artists never really did anything with the property, and sold it to Saul Zaentz in 1976. Zaentz (since deceased) formed the company Tolkien Enterprises (which is probably where some of the confusion comes from), which has since been renamed to Middle-Earth Enterprises. Middle-Earth Enterprises is the company that has licensed the property they own (that was originally sold by JRR back in 1969) to Warner Brothers and Turbine. Middle-Earth Enterprises (not the Tolkien Estate) is the company that Turbine renews their contract with every few years, and who they check with to ensure lore-appropriateness in the game. Turbine has no dealings with the Tolkien Estate whatsoever.

Spin to Win!
Seems like you should only need “One Ring” to win…

So, when you hear somebody mention the good relationship that Turbine has with the Tolkien Estate, that is most likely a slip of the tongue. In observing some of the protectiveness still exhibited by Christopher Tolkien, I have serious doubts as to whether a Middle-Earth video game ever would have been created had it required Tolkien Estate approval. On the flip side, when we hear about LOTRO lore being approved by the “Middle-Earth” people, don’t mistake that for Tolkien’s family giving the “green light” to sparky rock wielders or thousands of Beornings. That permission is being granted by a company that saw fit to put Frodo’s face on a slot machine.

Braxwolf Stormchaser

Licensed IP: My Head Says No, But My Heart Says Yes!

The other day I was running the games I play through my mind, trying to figure out what made me enjoy one type of game over the other. Games today are so complex that it’s sometimes tough to put a finger on why one stands out. Is it combat style? Graphics? Depth of gameplay? Social features? Of course the enjoy-ability of a game is determined by a combination of all these things. However, for me, one common thread seemed to reoccur: I enjoy games with licensed Intellectual Property (IP). This revelation dismayed me greatly, because my mind tells me that investing my time and energy into a game that’s very survival is in the hands of contract lawyers is a horrible idea. Recently, my favorite MMO (Lord of the Rings Online) faced the dilemma of IP renewal, and we’ve all heard stories of the sad fate of Star Wars: Galaxies, a casualty of two big companies deciding that renewing the IP license would not be financially advantageous.


So, why do I gravitate towards the titles that pose the largest threat of suddenly ripping my characters and content away at a moment’s notice? Why does my heart say yes when my head says no? I posed this question to some of my favorite podcasters over at MMO Reporter Network’s Too long, Didn’t Listen. The discussion was…mostly a slightly related sidebar about Star Wars the Old Republic. Which was ok, because SWTOR is one of the MMO’s that I enjoy the most, along with the afore-mentioned LOTRO and very recently, Marvel Heroes. Of the games that I’ve tried but have not been able to “settle into”, Rift, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, only STO had licensed IP that I was pretty familiar with. Even Skyrim (which I’ve purchased TWICE, once for PS3 and once for PC, thinking that I would eventually get into it), with all of its beauty and depth, can’t seem to hold my attention.

I think for me it comes down to a matter of time and immersion. I like being immersed in the game, but don’t have the time to “catch up” on a lore with which I am not already familiar. I’ve known the world of Star Wars since I was four years old. I’ve read the different works of Tolkien over the course of twelve years. These are settings that I can step into and immediately have a frame of reference available to me. I don’t have to go find Bree on a map and I don’t have to go research the history of the Empire, nor do I have time to. I already know enough to play the game and understand my place in the world. Skyrim is a beautiful place, as I’m sure The Elder Scrolls Online is going to be, but I just don’t care about it, nor Telera, nor Neverwinter, nor Bippity Boppity nor whatever other place where I’ve not previously set foot.

I guess that’s why the game companies pay big money for IP licenses. It’s not just for reduced development cycle time. It’s also for people like me, who will gravitate towards familiarity. If games were about principle, I’d probably be spending all of my time in Rift. However, for me, games are about fun. Unfortunately, that means taking some risk. I risk time invested in a six (almost seven) year old game with an IP license because it’s where I have the most fun. I risk rumors of ghost towns and a constant nagging to subscribe because, hey, it’s Star Wars. Most of all, I risk my favorite leisure-time activity being ripped away from me by some suit who didn’t like how the line chart looked this month. Then again, I guess we all risk that. It just seems like that risk is increased now that there are TWO suits involved (the game execs and the licencors).

If my gaming time were something a little more precious, like my kids’ education or my marriage, perhaps I would let my head do a little more of the ‘leading’. As it is, I’ll continue to follow my heart and have fun with my favorite games for as long as I’m able, IP or no IP.

Braxwolf Stormchaser