The first of a more up to date and factual producers lettter has just been released. Instead of a yearly letter that comes around too late and always gets baited with eventual delays. Raninia is now giving us a quarterly update.
For the full letter visit
The bullet points of it areUpdate 32 expected mid February and will contain
- Gundbabads raid featuring Hrimli – Abnankâra, the Hiddenhoard
- 12-man raid
- Clovengap
- Bullroarer coming soon
- Player housing in Erebor
- Legendary item reward track
- Finally a use for Xp runes
- 3-month renewals
- New area (wildwood like)
- Angle of Mitheithel
- Level 40-45
- Spring festival with new pets and housing rewards
- Legendary server updates
- Treebeard 5th jan – Moria
- Shadowfax 5th jan Isengard and March 2nd Rohan
- Anor Minas Morgul > March
- Start of 15th year anniversary